Damned stupid CIS tax Scheme !!

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I have to say that some blokes are their own worst enemy , your chippie must know he has to pay NI . There was a builder I knew never paid any tax until they finally caught up with him , demanded

I was fined a couple of months ago as I was 1 day late with the return. I appealed claiming it can only serve to damage a fledgling business which was within a blighted industry at the moment waffle, waffle waffle and they let me off. Now all I do is tick the box that means no return for the next 6 months and then I will deal with any subcontractor payments then. Means I have 2 dates a year to miss which equals

we file months at a time online never had an issue infact we always qualify for

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Thing is guys, Corp Tax, PAYE/NIC, Personal Tax & CIS are all different schemes all sent to try us as it were!

The requirement for CIS returns is separate to all the others in the same way that they are all separate from CIS.

Having sent in an appeal to N.Ireland with a veiled threat that I could engineer a return of Steptoe to his homeland , I have received an "Amended Charge Notice" which says that any amount due should be paid now Interest may be charged.

Total Amount Due

Having sent in an appeal to N.Ireland with a veiled threat that I could engineer a return of Steptoe to his homeland , I have received an "Amended Charge Notice" which says that any amount due should be paid now Interest may be charged.Total Amount Due
Whenever you have a demand for tax or penalties that you believe are unjustified and you feel that you have a valid excuse, appeal to them using this legislation:

I would be grateful if you could review and cancel the surcharges/penalties for the subsequent years based on again Section 32 TMA or the unjust enrichment test as stated under Section 1AB Taxes Management Act 1970 as it is unfair that yourselves should make additional monies/profits due to problems that were not easily resolved or within my control. Therefore I claim that 51A (2) a. of the Taxes Management Act 1970 be applied in this case stating

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