As an aside, I had a 2 pole pressure switch last week, brand new out of the box, unfortunately a cheap one as the compressor is a cheap one and it was all that would fit.
So, fitted it all up, plugged in turned on, nothing!
Checked fuse in plug top, OK.
Tried it again no power to motor.
Checked for phase at the switch fine, checked phase on output of switch fine.
Checked Neutral on incoming cable fine.
Checked Neutral pressure switch motor side fine.
Checked N coming back from motor 230V.
Checked again & messed around, no contact between the moving & fixed contact tips in the switch breaking the N.
Flicked the contact closed under load, motor ran, fine after that as it had flashed the contaminants off.
I have known this before from a customer who has had similar with production materials being left coating the contact tips on switching devices.
Perhaps you had the converse where there was something conducting across the switch assembly in the breaker.
I bet if you try it again now it will be fine.