Dean Martin Dies On Practice Day At TT

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©Honorary Essex Boy™
May 10, 2010
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Dean Martin a seasoned and experienced rider sadly died on Fridays practice session. The story can be seen Here

A sobering thought is the old saying that every biker knows someone who died or was seriously injured on a bike.  I know both, which is part of the reason i haven't ridden for nearly 10 years now.

I do still miss it.

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I still miss it and would have a bike again in a heartbeat - if Mrs RJ would allow. At least I know she wants me alive....

Still have the scars where the tree entered my abdomen, and the 12" scar where they opened me up to remove sections of colon and intestine and repair all the holes. Thankfully I know nothing of what happened thanks to a coma, which means I have no fear of riding bikes.

I used to race, starting with beach racing for those who have not seen that its like speedway but on sand. I actually got my wife into a bike shop last year but the outcome is still that I can not ever get a bike again.

My all time favourite bike was a Triumph Tiger Cub (1960's), for riding it has to be the Ducati I just love them.

Anyone who chooses to ride a motorbike on a public road is crazy in some way in my eyes. 

A racing circuit is differnet. 

Very sad news. As is any death. 

I think the title needs changing,

Yet more sensationalism,

The TT practice only started today, Saturday, 

That was Friday,

As my SIG states, 

Then, and only then, can anyone pass judgement.

I was slow 20 years ago, I was scared, 

Would I let my kids do it,?

Id ire than encourage them, I'm presently building a bike I hope my daughter will race, (2yo), do I think horse riding where more people are killed every year should be banned, not my business, 

Do what makes you feel alive.

Everyone I knew in  my youth that had a motorcycle also had injuries, like broken legs - something to do with GS1000s and bendy frames, lettuced brakes etc etc. It encouraged me to ride in slightly more sedate manner which means I have managed to avoid major injuries despite being knocked off twice. Motorcycles have become so much safer than they were, but if driven like a prat.....

I'm planning on getting another bike, probably somethig fairly retro for knocking around country lanes on, as I still miss the experience, especially when the sun is out.

But where did you lose your fear of bad jokes?
No. not at all..... made me worse. One funny thing that happened was coming round after a good week or so in a coma to find out I was engaged. I didn't have the heart to ask "whats that all about" as I had absolutely no recollection of any proposal due to the head injury! 

All very sad. My neighbours son died during the Newcomer's race back in 2009. My wife grew up with his sister so knows the family well.

Personally I hate bikes since being a small boy and seeing my elder brother staggering through the back door covered in claret. He's mid 60's now, a barrister and still hankers after another bike. Guess the urge never leaves you if that's your thing.

No. not at all..... made me worse. One funny thing that happened was coming round after a good week or so in a coma to find out I was engaged. I didn't have the heart to ask "whats that all about" as I had absolutely no recollection of any proposal due to the head injury! 
I'm sure the physical injuries were far less traumatic than thinking you were free and single then finding out you're not....
