Deducting money

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Distinguished Member
Oct 17, 2008
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Gloucestershire / Cotswolds
Last week I broke a knuckle in my hand (not at work) but went in on Monday and explained to the boss that the hand was my strong hand and as such I would need someone to help me do some chasing as the pain was quite bad and chasing walls would put unnecessary stress and pain on the hand and may slow me down. No problem, he sent me a newly qualified spark to help. Carried on all week and got the work done. Now, got my wage packet this week and it is down by

It all comes back to 1 simple phrase

"what is in your contract"

If it's in there it's legitimate, if not and if it wasn't agreed in advance then you might have a case.

Myself - since I was less fit for work because of my own misadventure then I'd let the

Last week I broke a knuckle in my hand (not at work) but went in on Monday and explained to the boss that the hand was my strong hand and as such I would need someone to help me do some chasing as the pain was quite bad and chasing walls would put unnecessary stress and pain on the hand and may slow me down. No problem, he sent me a newly qualified spark to help. Carried on all week and got the work done. Now, got my wage packet this week and it is down by
He doesn't pay sick pay either!As for contracts, my contract states 40 hours pay at my agreed rate.
*astard surley there is some way to get it back.... if you know what i mean:innocent

He can't knock you for money!! I wouldn't let him. If you've done your hours, you should get paid whats agreed. The thing is mate if you let it happen this time it will happen again and he'll know he can get away with it.

Is the firm JIB registered?

Oh yes, I have already had it back :p

I think my company is breaking the law and on a few counts. They are already bullying someone out of his job which is most definitely 'constructive dismissal' of which he is aware, I smell a law suit before long!

He can't knock you for money!! I wouldn't let him. If you've done your hours, you should get paid whats agreed. The thing is mate if you let it happen this time it will happen again and he'll know he can get away with it.Is the firm JIB registered?
No, not JIB registered. Trouble is, we are paid 'price' and when the job is done, we go home. Early days are the norm - 3pm on average because we have learned to become very very quick. However, if we don't exceed basic salary for any reason in a week, he pays us what is in our contract which is 40 hrs at hourly rate. If we ever try and turn it on him he uses the card about us leaving early. Can't win!

The bloke is a barsteward , check your contract of employment, working "On a Price" would not, I guess , be mentioned in it for a start, so he cannot use it against you.

As soon as things pick up go elsewhere , he deserves no loyalty.

You can't have it both ways , by the way, if you are " On a Price" or as we called it " Job and Knock" and it takes longer than you thought , you have to get on with it.

Working for a wazzock like that I'd just do the 40 hrs at a fairly slow pace and look elsewhere.

No, not JIB registered. Trouble is, we are paid 'price' and when the job is done, we go home. Early days are the norm - 3pm on average because we have learned to become very very quick. However, if we don't exceed basic salary for any reason in a week, he pays us what is in our contract which is 40 hrs at hourly rate. If we ever try and turn it on him he uses the card about us leaving early. Can't win!
Sounds like you have it good there!

If you have a contract of employment, memory says that you are legally entitled to sick pay, whether the company likes it or not.

And they cannot arbitarily deduct money from your wages. That is illegal.


He's taking the ****. I'd tell him such and demand my money. Let him get away with this and he'll think he can get away with anything.

It's unbelievable that "some" employers can be so cold, callous and penny pinching..

I'm sure many get a a real kick at being such (unmentionable).


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He could have said you were unfit for work and sent you home but did not, he also didnot ask for you to agree terms before you started work so you obviously worked on the understanding that pay would be as normal.

But as an employer it is certain that they have incurred extra cost, but that is all part of the many challenges of being an employer. Blame and recompense cannot be afforded to every situation an employer simply has to manage

you hurt yourself out of your working hours which has an impact on your working abilities requiring your employer to put another man with you(which by the sounds of it is unusual) and this costs you
