Difficult customers

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Junior Member
Apr 17, 2010
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Anyone get any funny stories about difficult customers?

I remember an alarm panel I installed ,it was at least a foot above my head but the customer had got a chair and stood on it and could hear a faint buzz from the transformer,so insisted on it getting replaced,the same bloke had a habit of standing behind you when you were trying to work, another pet hateof mine...hahahaha

I have one that I posted on anohter thread that I think is worth a repeat. A bloke who wanted a refund on a periodic because his lighting had low insulation resistance! He told me all he wanted was a safety certificate! Thankfully he wasn't there when I did the testing and I got paid by his wife.

I had one run over the consumer unit I was about to fit. He went out to the shops and decided to park his car in the garage I was working in even though he knew I was working in there.

I had one run over the consumer unit I was about to fit. He went out to the shops and decided to park his car in the garage I was working in even though he knew I was working in there.
I bet that made you cross.

:yellow card

I learned recently that you should never do work for your neighbour. :(
The trick is to charge them (for changing a light)

they get taken aback by this and dont ask you again !!!!!!

Did a job recently and the customer thought my estimate was too high

fair enuff we discussed it further and i took

hahahaha @ guy parking his car in the garage where you are trying to work... a car bonnet can make for a good hop-up you know?
