Downlights in older cielings

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Just on a job at the moment, need to install some down lights.

It is the old type or plastering where there is a wooden lat and plaster is pushed into the gaps.

It is also artexed :_|

I have suggested they rip the ceiling down and board and skim... there having all the walls boarded and skimmed any way.

Would you fit down lights in the older style ceilings? Just doesnt seem right to me. wouldnt fit right.

Over boarding would work then use say a JCC fireguard D/L which has higher positions for the springs to allow for double boarded ceilings. If the Artex was pre 1984 it will probably have asbestos in it, as pointed out by the resident vet.

If you overboard then at least the Artex is not disturbed, but be careful cutting the D/L holes.

how do you spot artex??
Its that hideous stuff on ceilings or walls with a combed pattern or stipple effect, it was used by plasters or decorators in the 80's to cover up cracked plaster in the majority of cases. Its one of those fashions that is ridiculous like putting hardboard over 1930

" If the Artex was pre 1984 it will probably have asbestos in it, as pointed out by the resident vet. "

well i didn't know that/...

" If the Artex was pre 1984 it will probably have asbestos in it, as pointed out by the resident vet. "well i didn't know that/...
3-5% of its content is asbestos, its low risk and is ok as long as you don't start sanding and scrapping it. :D

Yeah, that's where I was going with it. I've done the asbestos awareness course and there were a few eye openers there, like asbestos was used in some products the UK until 2000 and there's many countries that still widely use asbestos.

No asbestos in this ceiling

I know the guy that did al the artexing, and i contacted him first and he can guarantee it is 100% asbestos free

I do my home work :)
