Drink of choice

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Meh Granddad used to drink Banks's! :D

Don't drink much these days with 2 kids under 5 hangovers = No!

If I do decide to have a tipple...





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Whern I was down in Brum last year, I was staggered that I couldn't find Banks's in the pubs or even in the shops.Why was that? It's readily available in bottles up here.

Whern I was down in Brum last year, I was staggered that I couldn't find Banks's in the pubs or even in the shops.Why was that? It's readily available in bottles up here.
Youngsters don't drink it anymore , its all trendy lager as advertised on TV ....open a can of the tastless, mass produced , chemically engineered fluid and you sudenly own an open top sports car with a model in it and that back street boozer is transformed into the Cote de Azure ...the sun is out ...you think you are James Bond  or someone equally as suave & cool ....erm ...like Stepps  :B

You get it in Yam-Yam land ..

(At least 25 yrs ago  we were in the hotel attached to Birmingham Airport ...drinks were bought ....I asked for a pint of mild as usual ...barman leans across in a conspiritorial manner and whispers ....we don't serve mild here Sir )

Could never get it in Wales  and  ooop North it was either Light  or Dark .

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On the contrary I would suggest that real ale is making a comeback in these parts with the hipster joints chucking it out a £5 a pint.

forgot the cider, if you really want to lose your mind...

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There’s always three local craft beers and a local cider (Srimpy 6.5 ABV) in my usual watering hole. Normally one of the beers will be a mild.

Pity I can’t drink beer.

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Had some Hophead from the Dark Star brewery at the village fete on Saturday, very nice too.

At home I'm onto Hobgoblin at the mo. Do have their Goldengoblin too but at 6.6% I reckon I'll leave that for a night I've not got to get up!

EDIT: It was King Goblin at 6.6%.....and it's all gone now.

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I only drink holy water which I always make myself.

Here is the recipe if anybody ever wants to try it.

i) Half fill a saucepan with water

ii) Place it on your stove on maximum heat

iii) Boil the hell out of it !

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I only drink holy water which I always make myself.

Here is the recipe if anybody ever wants to try it.

i) Half fill a saucepan with water

ii) Place it on your stove on maximum heat

iii) Boil the hell out of it !
I've tried that myself 

Obviously I'm missing a bit if the recipe, every time I take it off the boil all the holes disappear again,,, :C

Ah, chemical lager @Evans Electric

Can't be doing with it myself, seems to be an English thing tbh,

Irish Harp, (the proper stuff) is my beverage of choice, not to be found in these merry parts tho :(

So I'm down to partaking of some Carlsberg, or Budweiser, and more recently, have acquired somewhat of a taste for ZUBR as introduced to me by a friendly painter at work , :)

For the more hardened session then its very difficult to find a finer beverage than Buckfast , :D

Greenwich Meantime Brewery red IPA called Yukima, in fact virtually any IPA at the moment. I like the hop aroma. Sharps have also started doing a red IPA called Wolf rock, which is similar and available in Co-op around here.

