Drink of choice

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I thought kopparberg was swedish, your not much of a patriot are you.

It is swedish. Hence I used to get really frustrated when I used to do bar work and people came up and asked for a "cop-en-burg". I mean, how hard is to to pronounce kopparbärs...? :D  

I used to drink it when I was 15/16, that's probably why I can't stand it now. They used to do a gooseberry flavour that tasted just like puke! 

Other half calls it "alcopops for men". :)  

It is swedish. Hence I used to get really frustrated when I used to do bar work and people came up and asked for a "cop-en-burg". I mean, how hard is to to pronounce kopparbärs...? :D  

I used to drink it when I was 15/16, that's probably why I can't stand it now. They used to do a gooseberry flavour that tasted just like puke! 

Other half calls it "alcopops for men". :)  

I dont mind a bit of Minttu every now and then. 

thinking about it, a decent 10 year old port floats my boat for something special, or a very old rum - wifey bought me a 20 year old rum, it was very clear and could be sipped neat. LOVELLY.

Never did get into Whiskey, and I am considering Brandy as something to try next.

Gave up spirits in my late teens after some bad experiences. However....of late, with various stresses, failing elderly parents etc I found myself in Sainsburys the other day absent mindedley clutching a bottle of Jack Daniels (which I've never even tried) and reading the back! The thing is I don't remember picking it up! Discussing this with the wife we reckon that eventually you become your parents. There's some thought that the copious amounts of Courvoisier, cream cakes and generally rich foodstuffs has in no small way contributed to the various diabetes / dementia / Alzheimer's / double incontinenice, strokes & heart conditions my lot  (parents & in laws) suffer from. Furthermore that we the children turn to these comfort foods through the worry thus repeating the cycle!

So, can anyone recommend a "beginner's " spirit just to ease me into the downhill run?

I'm off for a Cornetto!

Creme De Menthe apparently, in shot glasses for me.

I like it, & Baileys, but, I can't drink a lot of either, probably on.y 1/4 pint of Baileys.

Also partial to some Harveys Bristol Creme & Croft Original, in small quantities, like maybe 1/2 pint.

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I have a lot of whisky. Love the smokey stuff, but can appreciate most of the single malts.

I was given a bottle of Talisker (Isle of Skye), lovely stuff if you can find it.

If I drink whisky out of choice it would be an Islay single malt.

Another if you can find it, Marston Thompson and Evershed Brown Label single malt.

I’m partial to rum, a bottle of Wray & Nephews 100° is my christmas/birthday treat. Or there’s Woods 100° navy rum with old english shrub cordial.

Lovely stuff, considering it's quite strong for a rum it goes down smooth. 

My head doesn't seem to feel quite a smooth the day after drinking it though. 

Old thread I know! Since back then several friends & family have died/are ill and I found myself once again thinking about a spirit of choice to numb the quiet moments. Quite by chance I was given this by a Polish lad for helping him out of a tricky situation. 


Need some proper tumblers I guess or whatever you drink vodka from.

******! Just to prove a point I've only just noticed @Tony S posted last! 🙁

(Can't get rid of the wrong username below I accidentally put in):


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My tipple of choice now is Guinness, I used to drink a lot of Jack Daniels, and I mean a lot, then I developed a stomach problem as a result of something else and was off drink for almost a year, my weight went down to about 9 stone and I had to eat a small amount of food every 3-4 hours around the clock.

When I was finally allowed to drink again I was told to lay off the shorts, I could only drink Guinness, it would build me up apparently, it took a bit of getting used to but I managed it and within about 6 months my weight was up to just under 12 stone.

I typically drank 2 or 3 pints each day, until the time Asda had an offer on, 3X24 packs of guinness for £20, so I bought some, this was on the Sunday and on the following Thursday I had a friend visit, my wife went to get a couple of cans, there were none left! She went mental, we worked out that the 72 cans equalled about 65 pints and I'd drank them in about 3 1/2 days, she wasn't very happy lol
