Eicr Rubber Cable

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Jun 9, 2014
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On an eicr found couple if circuits with rubber insulation.

As pictured.

If this passes all tests do I recommend replacing with c3 or c2?

Er how do I post pictures....sorry newbie.

Id have a look at the ESCs guides if I were you

BTW you cant post pictures/links etc as a newbie until youve made 10 posts... please keep them relevant and dont drag up an old thread.... please

Its to stop spammers

With an IR of 12 mili Ohms, I would be VERY worried about the insulation of the cables, and that could well warrant a C2, as the client is loosing serious money in cable losses, I am surprised that the main fuse is holding, that is virtually a dead short, should be pulling around 19kA!!!


As said by Noz & pointed out by Sidey, just because it's vri/trs doesn't mean it's an instant C1/C2/C3 or otherwise.........................but 12m ohms no matter what the cable is you have issues & should code accordingly.

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It needs replacing, I re-wired a house that was all still VIR, the cable was OK on the runs, still quite flexible and insualtion OK, but at all the sockets and switches is was age hardened and when we went to remove it, it basically cracked up and fell off. C2 needs replacing urgently IMHO.

That was my initial reaction however I was wondering on set guidance or is it personal opinion. .... House Sale riding on it and don't want test my liability insurance for the sake of it

Who are you doing the EICR for... the seller or the buyer?

IMHO its a C2 if its brittle, if it isnt then recommend rewire anyway.... lets be honest, its well past its sell buy date

If its vir then its probably short on sockets so can also code that

Look at NICEIC website for testing/ inspection guidelines. Stuff pleaseing people to aid an house sale, you need to cover your own arse and show your professionalism! Imagine giving it a C3 and house burns down 3 months later....

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The OP doesn't look like a spammer - I have doctored the privileges so you can now post pictures.

Welcome to the forum

That was my initial reaction however I was wondering on set guidance or is it personal opinion. .... House Sale riding on it and don't want test my liability insurance for the sake of it

All inspection & testing work is the personal opinion of the inspector undertaking the work....

See the declaration you have to sign...  Page 396 of BS7671 may jog your memory...

you mention two circuits...  don't say what sort of circuits... loading... protective devices....  Zs...  earth continuity...  What the terminations at the accessories visually look like...

signs of overheating / cracking / crumbling / perishing insulation etc..  etc...

You only mention IR...

I cannot make any evaluation with such limited info...

If you are not able to make an evaluation of the condition of the circuits yourself using the recognised guidance notes etc...

Then possibly you are not competent to be actually undertaking the EICR??

But then again if you are competent...

Then make your decision, fill in your report and sign it...

There are no magic flow chart books with all the answers for testing and inspecting..

EVERY installation is unique and the inspector has to have the balls the make their call based on their knowledge of that installation...

In a lot of cases rubber cables are beyond there reasonable working lifespan... 

and should be left undisturbed to avoid further deterioration..

and then replaced at the earliest convenience...

{there is a guidance note somewhere that says that}

BUT also not all rubber cables have had a high loading hard working lifetime..

and can still have a few years of current carrying left to go!!!

As a general rule a few electrical improvements are unlikely to stop a house sale if someone is really keen on a property...

The proportional cost between the house and a bit of rewiring work is a small

AND if they don't like your report they can always get a second opinion!!

So go with your gut feeling based on what you have seen and your test results!


Sound advise Thanks all.

Have given a c3 with recommendation that it should be replaced at first opportunity and no alterations to be made to current circuits do to type of wring.

Quite honestly any sparks will not give a VIR installation a clean bill of health they would be mad to. I remember in the seventies the adverts for getting your installation tested. If VIR was a good cable we would still be using it.
