Where did you get this from have you ever heard of a magical thing called a dead test very cool. I was performing the cool trick of a R1R2 and while i do this i do a visual inspectionSo were your previous company an advocate of live working???
No one should remove any cover or open any accessory exposing any live part without first safely isolating the source of supply.
If someone chose to take a lamp out of a lamp holder there are a pair of conductive parts visible.. and with several lamp types enough space to poke a finger in if you were daft enough to do so!
With all normal covers in place, if all cable termination live parts are inaccessible, I cannot see how there can be any potential or immediate danger???

I was simply saying if for say copper was showing in a light terminal and someone was to remove it he would argue they could get shocked as the genreal public who dont know what there doing and seem to do wonderfull things to endanger them self may touch it. I just said you could say that about anything as for say a cooker plate where the connections are exposed on removal if you dont know what your doing you could quite easily zap yourself. Or even better from your example if they decided to take a bulb out and jam there finger into the adapter they would get a shock.
No one ever mentioned working live so go back to the otherside of the fence and shhhh