Electrical Certs Pack Of 5

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Mad Inventor™
Supporting Member
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
The Electrical Certs Pack of 5 download.....................

Please note that I have previously downloaded this myself and paid my £3. A mate has just joined NAPIT and I recommended the certs pack to him. He's NOT on here and tbh is a bit of a luddite when it. I intend to download (and pay) for another set for him as that's only fair of course.

Now then, he wants help with his letterheading - to go on the certs. I'm pretty sure there's an easier way than I've done it if someone could point me in the right direction please! I've had a practice but had trouble importing the logo into the downloaded forms, this is the no doubt convoluted way I did it:

- First we created the letter heading in Word incorporting his details plus the NAPIT and Electric Safe logos

- Tried using the Windows 7 Snipping Too to grab all the graphics but it "grabbed" the spell check highlighting marks too

- So printed it out as a PDF using doPDF and then used Snipping Tool on that (the PDF)

- So, now having the "snipped" JPEG inserted into the logo box on the PDF

BUT.............finding it difficult to position.................any tips? I have Acrobat 5 only btw.

Many thanks

EDIT: That was odd.................I went to download the set for my mate and I could..............straight away WITHOUT PAYING??? I only THEN went to manage Payments or something and paid via PayPal...........

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