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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

With elv lighting in a bathroom say 12V 50W are these more expensive or cheaper to run than standard 230V 50W fittings.

I know your charged by kw/h so does that mean as they are both 50W they will both cost the same to run. Im trying to get the picture right in my head but im thinking about the amperage being pulled the other side of the transformer is around 5A. Is this irrelevant as the amount of electricity used is only what the transformer is taking?

Im finding this too hard to put into words but if anyone can understand what im getting at any advice would be appreciated


With transformers the input wattage= the output wattage (except for trasformer losses)

So while a 12v transformer with a 50w load will have a secondary current of 4.11A, it's primary current will be 0.2A at 230v

However 12v halogens give of a better colour light and the lamps last longer than 230v halogens


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