Looking for a bit of help regarding my extractor fan which was wired up recently. It all works but it works in a way that doesn't turn the fan on when turning the light switch on. If I turn on the Isolator switch for the fan above the door then the fan works, whether the light is on or off. To turn the fan off I have to turn the isolator fan off.
I was wondering if this could be changed to work when the light switch is turned on and then turns off when the light switch is turned off. I'll outline below how the wiring is connected from what I can see in the loft and when taking the isolator switch off the wall.
From the isolator switch there are 3 wires. There is a 4 core (think thats the right term - it has brown, grey, earth and black wire) which goes to the fan in the loft, a 3 core cable going to the light switch and another 3 core cable which goes into a junction box. Coming out of the junction box is another 3 core cable which goes to one of the spotlights. I have taken a photo from the loft of the wires, but it won't let me upload it from a file on here.
Any advice would be great.
Looking for a bit of help regarding my extractor fan which was wired up recently. It all works but it works in a way that doesn't turn the fan on when turning the light switch on. If I turn on the Isolator switch for the fan above the door then the fan works, whether the light is on or off. To turn the fan off I have to turn the isolator fan off.
I was wondering if this could be changed to work when the light switch is turned on and then turns off when the light switch is turned off. I'll outline below how the wiring is connected from what I can see in the loft and when taking the isolator switch off the wall.
From the isolator switch there are 3 wires. There is a 4 core (think thats the right term - it has brown, grey, earth and black wire) which goes to the fan in the loft, a 3 core cable going to the light switch and another 3 core cable which goes into a junction box. Coming out of the junction box is another 3 core cable which goes to one of the spotlights. I have taken a photo from the loft of the wires, but it won't let me upload it from a file on here.
Any advice would be great.