Failed D.E.I.P.I.R. (for a single dwelling)

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Mr SLim , that PIR is a joke, it isnt even filled in remotely correctly, there are glaring errors on every page,

I dont really have the inclination to list them all, but the first very obvious one is


MADNESS, this implicitly implies that he has tested every single circuit at every single point, and removed every single switch and socket to test and visually inspect it,

I very much doubt that happened,

he also reckons that in 30 years nothing has ever been touched in the house electrically wise, I find that hard to believe, especially when at the bottom of page 3 he has ticked "electrical seperation" , not very likely in a 30 year old installation,

this is I am afraid to say very typical of so many 5week wonders that are domestic installers,

my apologises to the guys on here trying to learn,

but this is disgraceful,

oh, it may not have been a 5WW , but it certainly smacks of it.

bad day explode

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BTW Mr SLim , Im fairly (99%) certain that this wasnt done by a British by birth person, looks very european/east european to me, , polish at a guess, but deffo old communist state anyway.

sorry if that offends, just how Im reading it.

Mr Slim, is that the only cert you have, you should have another which will describe what he actually did, like upgrade meter tails to 25mm2 (due to 100a fuse) upgrade main water bond) (as close as pos to main stop cock to 10mm etc - also how far away is the stop cock to the new board and is it an easy route? could you upload a pic of the new board too.


Where to start,,,,

First of all it looks like the guy has only just learnt to write... FFS that's untidy!

Most of the codes on that are over done

Code 1 should only be used for things that a a real immediate danger... I.e. Exposed live parts

No RCD protection on an older CU should only be a code 4

IMO this was done by someone who doesn't really understand PIRs or by someone who is trying to generate work for themselves... Or maybe both;)

Do you remember the colour of you old CU?

Where to start,,,,First of all it looks like the guy has only just learnt to write... FFS that's untidy!

Most of the codes on that are over done

Code 1 should only be used for things that a a real immediate danger... I.e. Exposed live parts

No RCD protection on an older CU should only be a code 4

IMO this was done by someone who doesn't really understand PIRs or by someone who is trying to generate work for themselves... Or maybe both;)

Do you remember the colour of you old CU?
English is his 2nd or maybe even 3rd language,

It would be interesting to know what the 'unknown' circuit turned out to be. As for the rest, I agree with everybody else's comments.

Cheers. Chris

Also how is lack of RCD code 2. Its a code 4. Can't see how the socket and lamp holder are broken but if the basic protection is compromised then would have thought that was a code 1.

Slim: I assume you had an Electrical Installation Certificate for the CU change and are expecting a building compliance cert too?

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:Blushing OK this thread had 2 pages then

First thing

if any member on this site gave me a PIR presented in that state i would throw it back at him and tell him to do it again !!! FFS

Another thing he has obviously been assessed by NIC to do PIR's and use their forms and not the green ones

i would have phoned them up and complained

Stinks of a something not right

why not go to the NIC website and find out if they is actually registered ???????

put in his post code on 'find a contractor' see if he is there........ i wonder

Steps,,,,,,,i would be very disappointed if that was a 5WW

First thingif any member on this site gave me a PIR presented in that state i would throw it back at him and tell him to do it again !!! FFS

Another thing he has obviously been assessed by NIC to do PIR's and use their forms and not the green ones

i would have phoned them up and complained

Stinks of a something not right

why not go to the NIC website and find out if they is actually registered ???????

put in his post code on 'find a contractor' see if he is there........ i wonder

Steps,,,,,,,i would be very disappointed if that was a 5WW
sorry Theory, but that is probably a little better than most I have come across,

now perhaps you realise why Im a bit offish aboput them sometimes. maybe just Ive had bad experiences with them.


if you read further into my posts you will see something else is also evident in this case.

Way to expensive, the only thing that needed immediate attention was the broken socket (assuming it was cracked / broken and you could see live parts)


You have a point, that may be true, thing is none of us have actually seen the install, so there may have been other circumstances that initiated the works?

It would be interesting to know what the 'unknown' circuit turned out to be. As for the rest, I agree with everybody else's comments.Cheers. Chris
Hello Chris

a detailed report itemising all remedial work carried out, simply stated "investigated and identified circuit 5".

nsbs,You have a point, that may be true, thing is none of us have actually seen the install, so there may have been other circumstances that initiated the works?
Agreed, but if you look at the PIR there is nothing indicated on it, that any competent spark would not be able to rectify relatively quickly. Take the high Zs, at the sockets, because the rings continuity tests look ok (ish) its almost certain the high reading are due to faulty sockets or loose connections (with the cores twisted together). This is almost certainly the case with the landing and bedroom sockets where vacuums, hairdryers etc are plugged into frequently. I cant remember the last time i did a PIR and there was not a high Zs some frequently use sockets.

Given the CU was changed, and the remedial works sorted out in a day the problems must have been fairly simple to rectify.


Also how is lack of RCD code 2. Its a code 4. Can't see how the socket and lamp holder are broken but if the basic protection is compromised then would have thought that was a code 1.Slim: I assume you had an Electrical Installation Certificate for the CU change and are expecting a building compliance cert too?


No certificates at all.

I was not aware that these certificates were to be expected.

We had agreed on a Detailed Report Itemising All Remedial Work and although I have received a "Report", it contained anything but details. I have asked for another.
I have been away and missed most of this thread.

The PIR is not filled in correctly for a start, and you would never ever IR test any unknown circuit, for fear of damaging any sensitive equipment being used. I would be interested in how he managed to do the "whole" installation, carpets up, floorboards up because he has signed the PIR that is what he has done, and confirmed this by saying that all wiring is in prescribed zones. If this is a registered person you do have a route to make sure all things are corrected. I think looking at the PIR it could be a stolen book being used by a clue less DIY electrician, or a builder who has been given some spare books. Check his registration number with the NICEIC to see if it matches his details, I would be very surprised if it does. Any electrical works carried out by this person should be checked and you should have received an Electrical Installation Certificate for the CU change.

My money is on that the DIPIR cert isnt stolen I bet it is from the electricians pad purchased by him having completed the NICEIC VDIPIR course. Because after passing they are deemed as being competant to undertake Dpir's & do not need to be re-assessed for a year from the pass date of the course, they also do not have to pay for that first years registration as it is included in the course fee, they do how ever have to pay for the yearly assessment for DPIR & again for the yearly DI assessment after the first year.

Sorry if you were on the same course as me & are a member here but..

Having been on one of the NICEIC virtual domestic periodic testing & inspection course I can confirm that most on the course I attended were by their own admissions

5dw's or builders, of the 14 there only 5 (including the instructor) had been in the trade longer than 3 years. One was an asian guy who had a very poor grasp of english & the others were either retraining while in other employment or had been through the fast track system for DI & were told inspect/testing was the next thing to do.

Most frightening of all the first days coffee break developed into a Q&A session with questions like;

How do you decide the size of swa to a garage? or do you always put in 10mm.

what is MI?

2391 whats that?

How do you go about a rewire?

Anyway there were 4-5 people who should have failed because they had no idea, even about the basics such as the asian guy failed to safely isolate every time he took the cover off the cu.

But the final day prooved to be a miracle day................. 100% passed...... with the help of a quick look by the lecturer at all the answeres given by pupil before the end test button was pressed & a nod with thumbs up or a "you might want to take another look at a question between 1 & 3" comment.

And that boys & girls is the reason we have carp periodics being given, but top dollar prices being charged.

I declined the nice offer from niceic to go on their list as approved to undertake DPIR's for another 400 odd quid & assessment. "well you cant use NICEIC certs to complete any periodics you do" said the nice lady..........I dont use them anyway was my reply:^O

If that is true (i have no reason to question your integrity) then this shows even the NIC are just as bad as every other scam and all these companies saying you must use NICEIC are kidding themselves

Cant wait until the 5WW have gone

not all are bad but if they are asking those questions on a course would that not worry the instructors ??????

so what course were they on ?????

and why do you need it ???

Also how is lack of RCD code 2. Its a code 4. Can't see how the socket and lamp holder are broken but if the basic protection is compromised then would have thought that was a code 1.Slim: I assume you had an Electrical Installation Certificate for the CU change and are expecting a building compliance cert too?


No certificates at all.

I was not aware that these certificates were to be expected.

We had agreed on a Detailed Report Itemising All Remedial Work and although I have received a "Report", it contained anything but details. I have asked for another.
It is a legal requirement of the building regulations Part-P that an Electrical installation Certificate and a Building regulations compliance certificate are issued when a Consumer unit, (fuse box), is replaced. If you do not have these documents I would suggest you complain to the NICEIC, as something is not right.

Doc H.
It is a legal requirement of the building regulations Part-P that an Electrical installation Certificate and a Building regulations compliance certificate are issued when a Consumer unit, (fuse box), is replaced. If you do not have these documents I would suggest you complain to the NICEIC, as something is not right.

Doc H.

thanks for your comment. I think you are spot on. This should be brought to the attention of the NICEIC.