I dont have any 2 tread steps, I have a handrail for my toolbox.
No your not reading it incorrectly your just not using common sense FFS.This forum regularly bemoans 5WW who know nothing and are incompetent....Is it any ruddy wonder when supposed "competent time served sparks" spout loads of drivel about..
oh its only recommendation...
It only applies to other countries cuz they don't have 6A circuits...
most don't even ask for a swich...
or ..
oh its just like a light fitting...
1/ Most light fittings I install.. DON'T have any moving parts...
jammed up motor trying to turn under load...
2/ Most light fittings I install don't have high humidity and warm steamy air passing close to their workings..
or the possibility of moisture coming back down a poorly installed ducting to put water into the fan assembly....
3/ View attachment 3701
the bit that says (UK only) AFAIK.. means that applies to UK.. not foreign where they don't use many 6A lights!!??
4/View attachment 3702
Bold back MUST actually means a guidance recommendation..
NOT a specific instruction.....
Proper instructions are in flashing red!!!
5/ Both of those are proper instructions ..
and they both also ask for a switch...
So conclusion...
To all you younger members learning our trade....
Read the guidance of the forum....
Read the manufactures instruction...
Read BS7671...
then make you own descisssion....
Many say you don't have too...
I do cuz it costs sod all to follow the instuctions....
But then I am probably reading the words wrong!
No your not reading it incorrectly your just not using common sense FFS.If you have water coming back down your duct you should not even be installing the fan in the first place IMHO, because you clearly have not done that bit right to start with, where's your drain off !!!
You say it cost's sod all, well
I use Greenwood Airvac because we have a really good discount with us fitting so many, and they state "when supplied from a 5A lighting circuit no local fuse is required"Just spoke with vent Axia, and Manrose, cannot be bothered phoning the others .... Vent axia told me, no you don't need to be fitting FCU as well... They did say that some old stock may have instructions in them telling you so but ignore it and you'll find any new(er) stock wont tell you to fit one.....Manrose say it is only a recommendation as not everyone would wire them from a lighting circuit......
So there we have.... Anyone care to ring the rest of them and ask their views....
So, I personally aren't going to start adding more switches, fcu's and fan isolators than i need to to an already busy piece of wall on the landing that the customers already hate.....
And special, it's not just a fiver mate however much you try to dress it up!!!!
Each to their own......
Oh yes.. a pompous person...Anyway I think it's done now, Shed69 and I have shown you it's not required in most cases, get over it and stop being such a pompous person.
as you say yourself,Well...there was a time when this forum encouraged a bit of healthy debate about a topic...
But now it seems that if someone trys to posts a contrary opinion..
(even with factual references quoted)..
then they are ...
What was it now?
Oh yes.. a pompous person...
Errm?? I do not believe I have called you incompetent?? :C
even though you imply I have no common sense..!!
don't worry I won't be offended..![]()
Right so lets get back to the point in hand...
1/ The OP asks a question about wiring a fan...
Sparkytim gives a reasonable reply...
2/ Others make comment that additional fuses are not needed ever on lighting circuits....
3/ Implications are made that the bit of paper inside the fan with the manufactures instructions should be ignored in favour of an internet forum, third parties conversation, with an unknown person at a fan manufacture suggesting they are never needed and ignore all manufactures instructions...
Such as:-
Whereas extract from Manrose installation instructions say:-
View attachment 3706
4/ So common sense instruction to the OP a young Spark.. (looking back at his posts was just doing 2nd yr 2330 in 2008...
Is it the hear-say internet guidance from the mystery phone call?
the manufactures instructions that came with the fan??
I know what I consider common sence...
5/ Irrespective of how many fused fans you may or may not have seen in your years....
Other electricians may have seen more....
many nowadays are 10amp!
especially when looking to assist reduction of unwanted tripping when a lamp blows...
Unfused fan on a 10A light circuit when manufactures instruction sate MUST be connected to a 3amp fuse....
Don't worry we can always say a bloke on the internet told me I didn't need it!
no doubt you and shed will call me some other names again now for trying to help the Op have a balanced view to
the Pro-Manufactures Instructions side of the debate.?
So in conclusion again:-
none of these things are law.To all you younger members learning our trade....Read the guidance of the forum....
Read the manufactures instruction...
Read BS7671...
I haven't called you no names Special.....no doubt you and shed will call me some other names again now for trying to help the Op have a balanced view to the Pro-Manufactures Instructions side of the debate.?
This is NOT a dig at you flying sparky.... it's a dig at the info given by NICEIC....Just when it seems the thread is coming to an end, allow me to throw this one in:At our last NICEIC inspection we were told that if the room where the fan is installed has a window (opening or not) there is no requirement to install a separate fan isolator. This apparently is because if you isolate the circuit at the D/B you can still see to work. We called up the tech helpline and they backed the guy up. Makes sense, but really? Again, I bet some instructions say to install a fan isolator, so do you or not?
Apologies Shed GuinnessI haven't called you no names Special....
Really not clear why on earth the concept of legal obligations has been raised.none of these things are law.
But from the customer