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I think the fiber optic cable either starts at the green boxes you see dotted around, or at the exchanges. Co-ax is used from your computer/TV to either the green box or the exchange.

Two of the differences between Cable and BT, is that the Co-ax has a larger CSA than BT phone lines, and the Co-ax is used exclusively for data. There is no sharing of bandwith with phones, faxes and alarm systems etc.

I understand that BT is now introducing fiber optic lines for broadband.

Fibre, re, not fiber. FIBRE.
I think considering the speed claims put out by Virgin, FIBBER is probably more apt.

I like the way they use bits instead of bytes for a start. Only increases their speed figures by a factor of 8.

Batts, How come your internet comes down the BT line ? I imagined ,in my ignorance, that Virgin was based on the cable TV stuff that was installed some years ago . ( By Telewest in this area ) . I heard on the radio that internet down copper wires was old hat now .
We don't have cable in our town. The towns close to us do about 8 miles away but they haven't reached us yet.

Virgin cable( or rather the fibres) go straight up our high street in our village but we dont get it.We are bypassed

we still get the junk mail from them....via the postlady who gets a 1p per leaflet !!!!!!

CSRSS.exe when you google it comes up with conflicting info some say it is a virus/trojan some say it isn't:C
I've clearly missed something, but quoting what you are referring to would be handy as I'm not hunting through 8 pages of stuff.

I've clearly missed something, but quoting what you are referring to would be handy as I'm not hunting through 8 pages of stuff.
Deke had posted earlier about what programs & the size of programs that where running and one of them was CSRSS.exe

Windows vista is a mare as it is renowned for running out of disc space. Mine got so bad that I ended up with only 792mb of space left.try unistall programes under updates and you will see that a lot of memory is taken up with old updates.not sure which you can uninstall but someone else may do.I gave up with mine and brought a mac, on and ready to use in less than a minute.

or just keep your PC and install Ubuntu or some other flavour of Linux,a helluva lot cheaper too.
Not really an option for a lot of people.

The industry standard is Windows, and being proficient with it's many varied incarnations is a prerequisite to being and appearing proffessional.

Is it just me or can no-one on this forum spell professional?

I know everyone just thinks 'oh Lurch is off on one again' but it's one of those things that just makes me laugh\cry\give up hope. I think it's one of the most ironic things out there, no-one can spell it but all try and appear to be professional while not spelling it correctly, which is not professional at all. Some sort of double\triple irony thing, probably defying some space\time laws somewhere.

Is it just me or can no-one on this forum spell professional?

Do I get the prize?

can I have the red '34 DD' bra please...

its just behind the rabbit on Admins top prize shelf! :Blushing

Deke & Steps told me about it! :Blushing ]:)

Lurch you appear to have a proffessional abillity to reach down to the fiber of the matter.

can I have the red '34 DD' bra please...
Erm, that's, umm, sort of like, errrr misplaced, like.

Lurch you appear to have a proffessional abillity to reach down to the fiber of the matter.

not really
