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of course Im wrong, ask my wife™
Supporting Member
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Gtr Manchester
hey Canoeboy,

this looks good. :D

I dont usually bother with the latest bells stuff, but this is fast. :D

oh, that code deffo works fine, :D for me anyway and I was on 3.6, so it should be ok for 4 as well

I love Firefox but I find it gets really slow when I have a load of tabs open, where as Chrome seems to hold up pretty well with a lot of tabs open.

I think I still prefer Firefox though, I must try number 5.

Dyslexia rules - there was I thinking Steps was so outraged by an electrical issue that he titled it FFS - only to find its a nerdy Firefox thing! So so disappointed! Perhaps we should export Firefox to all platforms in the same way we export PME!!!!!!


dont be coming round here starting rows again,

I told you, any more of this PME nonsense and someone in A&E will need to export that guitar of yours from somewhere it shouldnt be!!! ;)

My guitar has permanently taken residence there already - A&E are aware!
Speaking of your guitar Dave, how is the band going? still performing or is that side of life also affected by the general economic situation?

Doc H.

anyone fancy 8 or 9 ?

9 not running brilliant for me (a few crashes), but that may be my set up still not being just so, since I put the bigger HDD in and went to 64bit,

8 seems OK though, so far no crashes.

I liked FF, great tools and great interface but now...........

Slow and incompatibility.

Each time they upgrade, my addons started dropping off one by one as they become out of date with the version.

When Google dropped support for there search bar you've got to question the future of FF as Google is there main income

I use a mix of chrome & safari.....like em both, running under wndoze

now ubuntu seems happier with FF - offhand I don`t have a scooby which version.

n.b. I think I preferred ubuntu 10.4 over 11.4 - My machine has 11; missus` has 10 - I think its quicker, and more intuitive. 11 seems to be more gimp oriented.
