Fire alarm question

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it sounds like HMO to me.
See my post last page.

As regards panel system - as the fire officer said to me:

"If the landlord won`t pay for the ideal system, then you have to accept that ANY system he installs is an improvement on what is currently there (nothing!)"


On all my new rewires I have gone for addressable systems, fire brigade love em

Yeah, I love `em, too.

Unfortunately, the landlord in question is uber-tight; it took me 18 months of pestering to get him to install the current system, AND he still whinges about the cost!

surely this will not be classed as 'domestic' if there is a communal area, and the flats are let out, then this is a commercial development. System will need to alert all residents in case of fire. imagine a fire in a ground floor flat, when in your proposed install, only the resident of that flat will be alerted! Mate of mine in same position and in conflict with developer at the moment. he has continued as directed, but we're both awaiting results of commissioning when it will come up and the communal areas will need to be covered and interlinked with the flats. some people just won't be told. come on guys, use a little common sense, its a fire ALARM system. what use is its not gonna ALARM people????

HMO = House of Multiple Occupation= shared facilities by residents in a dwelling i.e. shared kitchen, bathroom, lounge etc.

These have special requirements and normally a Grade A system to BS5839 Part 1 is specified.

Seperate Flats within a block come under BS5839 Part 6 and are required to have their own smoke/heat alarms.

Communal areas for the block require a seperate system which ideally includes a Heat detector WITHIN each flat linked to the communal system

Biggest problem with a Grade A system to ALL parts was false alarms from within 1 dwelling setting off the whole system and led to disabling of the system by annoyed residents, so now each Flat should have its own system which only sets off Communal system before it spreads into escape route.

in your proposed install, only the resident of that flat will be alerted! Mate of mine in same position and in conflict with developer at the moment. he has continued as directed, but we're both awaiting results of commissioning when it will come up and the communal areas will need to be covered and interlinked with the flats. some people just won't be told. come on guys, use a little common sense, its a fire ALARM system. what use is its not gonna ALARM people????
Re-read the spec. mate. He IS covering the properties as sparkytim says above. There is a standalone system within the flat, to 5839-6 (smokie in `principal habitable room`{adjacent to bedroom doors}, and heat alarm in kitchen). Then there is the heat detector from the communal system, inside the flat door leading onto the escape route. So, if the escape route is likely to be compromised due to a fire, ALL flats are sounded. If there is a minor mishap, which sets of 1 flat`s *optical* (for example), it won`t cause a full evac. UNLESS the heat alarm by the escape door is triggered.

Does that make more sense?


all's well that end's well then. not out to do anyone down dude, perhaps a little first experience interferance given my associates predicment. appreciate the enlightenment.

Re-read the spec. mate. He IS covering the properties as sparkytim says above. There is a standalone system within the flat, to 5839-6 (smokie in `principal habitable room`{adjacent to bedroom doors}, and heat alarm in kitchen). Then there is the heat detector from the communal system, inside the flat door leading onto the escape route. So, if the escape route is likely to be compromised due to a fire, ALL flats are sounded. If there is a minor mishap, which sets of 1 flat`s *optical* (for example), it won`t cause a full evac. UNLESS the heat alarm by the escape door is triggered.Does that make more sense?

Nobed is a Mrs not a mate although I suppose you could call female sparks mate.


My apologies madam (and nobed) ;)

I wasn`t suggesting other, Mrs. ; just clarifying the OPs situation. As I said, it is eerily like my current work - and we triple-checked the spec. with all concerned parties.

r.e. HMOs: IF the flats are conversions, then it is an HMO. However, if they were originally built as seperates, albeit with a communal front door, then they aren`t HMOs, unless 1 flat is rented to more than 1 party.

