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©Honorary Essex Boy™
May 10, 2010
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I am feeling very down at the moment due to the loss of one of my best friends mentioned in another thread.

Whilst I am feeling this way and as a legacy to my best friend I am going to impart some free advice.

Electrical science is never going to change, if you are competent in the basics then you will always be able to adapt and design any circuit or installation. From looking at the majority of questions asked it would appear that self confidence is the major problem.

One of my virtual apprentices that I have taken an interest in is Matty, he is always asking the right questions, another is apprentice whatever number, sorry mate can never remember your prefix, but remember some outstanding posts.

When you chose to use a forum try to look at it as brainstorming, we all have very different skills, and I would be lost in most of them, I have also seen a shift in the type of replies given, even by myself which is not in the tradition of this forums fine and outstanding tradition.

I know we all try not to give direct answers to some basic questions, but, I have seen some posts that can only be responded to by direct answers, a confused student will never decipher our cryptic clues.

This forum owes its success to its core members, and the good nature that is prevalent in all replies.

The only reason I am here is because I strongly believe, this is a forum that is indeed different to others, and therefore superior. Please remember that, let

Thanks Gavin, but this thread is about our members, and the continued success that this forum deserves providing the core principles are adhered to.

I read all the threads on here everyday . It's a fountain of knowledge which I'm really great full for. Although I have to ask novice questions being a student and not having much experience, I always get replies. I find it extremely addictive as I'm a dedicated learner.

I also go on learning lounge too. But its brilliant to tap into a live main stream of situations that happen in real life every day.

Ask the right questions here and I guarantee you will learn more than you could ever do on learning lounge.

When you compare the different forums available to our hallowed trade, they range from the sublime to the ridiculous. At one end of the spectrum we have the Top Knobs (is that what Steps refers to as the fluffy-wuffy lot?) where you need an electrical engineering degree just to understand the questions, to the other end where you are ridiculed for daring to ask a question, and everybody gets "screwed" by the regulars practising their ability to deliver the greatest insult.

This forum tries to help those with problems by pointing them in the right direction, not by giving a direct answer. I would say to all, it is a nice feeling to solve the problem yourself after being guided by well thought-out hints, rather that a spoon-fed response from the knowledgable.

Remember, it takes both learners and experienced people to make a forum - if the learners don't ask questions, there is nothing for the experienced people to argue about discuss, and if the experienced people don't answer questions (albeit in a guidance sort of way) the learners go elsewhere for their answers. This forum provides the happy medium to the benefit of all.

Manator, because this is your thread I would like to thank you for the invaluable advice I, personally, have gleaned from reading your posts in the past. And sorry to hear about your loss.

Keep it up, chaps (and lasses). :)

When you compare the different forums available to our hallowed trade, they range from the sublime to the ridiculous. At one end of the spectrum we have the Top Knobs (is that what Steps refers to as the fluffy-wuffy lot?) where you need an electrical engineering degree just to understand the questions, to the other end where you are ridiculed for daring to ask a question, and everybody gets "screwed" by the regulars practising their ability to deliver the greatest insult.This forum tries to help those with problems by pointing them in the right direction, not by giving a direct answer. I would say to all, it is a nice feeling to solve the problem yourself after being guided by well thought-out hints, rather that a spoon-fed response from the knowledgable.

Remember, it takes both learners and experienced people to make a forum - if the learners don't ask questions, there is nothing for the experienced people to argue about discuss, and if the experienced people don't answer questions (albeit in a guidance sort of way) the learners go elsewhere for their answers. This forum provides the happy medium to the benefit of all.

Manator, because this is your thread I would like to thank you for the invaluable advice I, personally, have gleaned from reading your posts in the past. And sorry to hear about your loss.

Keep it up, chaps (and lasses). :)
Now thats what I am talking about

well, as has been intimated a few times, and myself and another member actually stated on the phone just yesterday,

for some of us this is THE PUB,

young families and other commitments, we can come here for some banter and a beer, [we really need to sort out this virtual beer admin, it doesnt taste too good! ]

anyway, I digress, we come here for some banter, good chat, and the odd yarn, joke, and a laff at ProDave's lastest energy saving solution, ;) ,

and if we can help someone along the way, all is good in this fine land, if we cant, well, we are not here to hold them back, maybe they just need to go back over what they have already learnt.

well, as has been intimated a few times, and myself and another member actually stated on the phone just yesterday,for some of us this is THE PUB,

young families and other commitments, we can come here for some banter and a beer, [we really need to sort out this virtual beer admin, it doesnt taste too good! ]

anyway, I digress, we come here for some banter, good chat, and the odd yarn, joke, and a laff at ProDave's lastest energy saving solution, ;) ,

and if we can help someone along the way, all is good in this fine land, if we cant, well, we are not here to hold them back, maybe they just need to go back over what they have already learnt.
The only problem I find is that, after spending half the night in this pub with a glass or five of wine :Y , some of my responses tend to ramble on a bit. :Blushing

It ain't 'alf cheap, though. :^O

After seeing the news about Facebook being floated on the Stock Exchange and making a fortune , Admin was all for selling out to the Murdock regime . I had to travel down to Admin Towers and put him right !!! ;)

I was tipped off by Admin2 but don't let him know . :innocent


Good thread Maneater , many others feel the same . These other things like Faceache and Tweetering I don't really get . I'm on Faceache but can't remember why TBH :| Don't understand the Tweetering .....hell ..I don't even text , unless my mate is in Mordor where not even light gets through but texties do .... all that button pressing .... Bah! :coat

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I am slightly getting a bit worried by the fact that admin 2 has not been seen in public for some time now.

I know she is the true boss, but this silence is causing me some concern.

After seeing the news about Facebook being floated on the Stock Exchange and making a fortune , Admin was all for selling out to the Murdock regime . I had to travel down to Admin Towers and put him right !!! ;) I was tipped off by Admin2 but don't let him know . :innocent
Nothing wrong with having a woman in charge. :coat

I am slightly getting a bit worried by the fact that admin 2 has not been seen in public for some time now.I know she is the true boss, but this silence is causing me some concern.
I certainly miss her jokes but she must be very busy with all those kiddies.
