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yeah saw that earlier on another forum

Disgusting pillock of a woman, typical mindless filth. Im not a violent man by any means, but if my 3 year old and I had been present on that vehicle, shed have found herself out the window.

She epitomises all thats wrong with modern idiots

i agree, her personal opinions should have been kept to herself, poor innocent children hearing the full extent of that outburst.

Notice the black lad behind her being held back from making the situation worse ?

Hmm, terrible outburst and timing all wrong. However, her views are valid and do actually have a place in todays society and there is increasing support for the point of view she is poorly trying to convey. Look at the increase in membership and popularity of organisations such as BNP and EDL. People have had enough (in general) but they need to adopt a non-malevolent / violent way of demonstrating discord. Looking at this (I saw it on youtube last night) she is clearly under the effects of alcohol or maybe another substance but it doesn't excuse the outburst in front of a child. She actually epitomises what is wrong with a lot of British society - those we know as scummers but even people like her are entitled to opinions - racist or not.

Hmm, terrible outburst and timing all wrong. However, her views are valid and do actually have a place in todays society and there is increasing support for the point of view she is poorly trying to convey. Look at the increase in membership and popularity of organisations such as BNP and EDL. People have had enough (in general) but they need to adopt a non-malevolent / violent way of demonstrating discord. Looking at this (I saw it on youtube last night) she is clearly under the effects of alcohol or maybe another substance but it doesn't excuse the outburst in front of a child. She actually epitomises what is wrong with a lot of British society - those we know as scummers but even people like her are entitled to opinions - racist or not.
I sort of agree with you. I don't like the dilution of British society. I think it's awful the way she swears with a young child on her lap but when you walk around London it can be like you are in a different country. I'm all for people coming here on holiday or to fill skill gaps that we may have, but when we have such unemployment it doesn't make sense giving the jobs to immigrants. I think we are far to generous on this little island of ours, benefit system, NHS etc. There is a reason they come.

I stress I have no problem with anyones colour or religion, but when anyone comes to Great Britian and creams off the money hard-working people pay in taxes it makes my blood boil.

I agree with some of these views, but alike it is not the colour of an individual that is the problem! The problem is people taking money out of the pot without putting any in or ever intending to put any in!! People should be free to live on the planet where ever they want to but when you move to one of the oldest societies on the planet where structures are in place you have to pay for it like we all do!!!

The system is not always indiscriminate tho i might add a few months back i was let go as were 5 other sparks due to 2 large contract of my company had been lost so they had to streamline which although didn't do me any favours i understand the needs of a business, so i applied for jobseekers allowance for the interim, only to be informed that i was not entitled to any benefit since i had been CIS for 4 months or so and paid a reduced NI contribution within 2 years of applying!! I asked the lady at the Job centre how immigrants were entitled to benefit when they clearly would have not paid a full NI contribution 2 years prior to them arriving in england? She went nuts and started ranting that she could not discuss this making out it was a racist question!! I thought it was legitimate and wasn't racially motivated at all. Prior to the last 2 years i have paid full NI for the last 16 years but apparently that doesn't count!! How convenient!

There certainly is no easy quick solutions and i wonder if the damage has already been done and is now unrepairable

Forgot to add:

Is it just me? Or does anyone else think that she looks like "Little Mo" from "Eastenders"??


Little Mo - Eastenders.

I agree with some of these views, but alike it is not the colour of an individual that is the problem! The problem is people taking money out of the pot without putting any in or ever intending to put any in!! People should be free to live on the planet where ever they want to but when you move to one of the oldest societies on the planet where structures are in place you have to pay for it like we all do!!! The system is not always indiscriminate tho i might add a few months back i was let go as were 5 other sparks due to 2 large contract of my company had been lost so they had to streamline which although didn't do me any favours i understand the needs of a business, so i applied for jobseekers allowance for the interim, only to be informed that i was not entitled to any benefit since i had been CIS for 4 months or so and paid a reduced NI contribution within 2 years of applying!! I asked the lady at the Job centre how immigrants were entitled to benefit when they clearly would have not paid a full NI contribution 2 years prior to them arriving in england? She went nuts and started ranting that she could not discuss this making out it was a racist question!! I thought it was legitimate and wasn't racially motivated at all. Prior to the last 2 years i have paid full NI for the last 16 years but apparently that doesn't count!! How convenient!

There certainly is no easy quick solutions and i wonder if the damage has already been done and is now unrepairable
I almost totally agree,

its too late for me to start picking out the bits I dont maybe go with,

why is it, a honest hardworking UK person has a bit of bad luck, needs some help, has to jump through 473hoops to be told he cant have any money or a free school dinner for his 7 year old,

but some one from absolutely any other country in the world can roll up to the dole office,

get a 7 bed house in kensington,

full blown benefits and free school meals and buses(probably taxis actually), cos if they go back they might be killed cos they dont like the prime-minister of their country,!


about half the population in this country dont like the prime-minister either.!

my solution,

shut the doors, and stop all payments instantly,

people in genuine need can already survive, they have done,

make appointments for them at an office,

start with everyone over 60 that has been born in the UK, and that is unemployed,

work it down to the 30s,

then go to the people that are on sickness,

then Crown dependecies,

then go to commonwealth countries,

then go to people that were born in western Europe,

then Eastern Europe,


I agree with some of these views, but alike it is not the colour of an individual that is the problem! The problem is people taking money out of the pot without putting any in or ever intending to put any in!! People should be free to live on the planet where ever they want to but when you move to one of the oldest societies on the planet where structures are in place you have to pay for it like we all do!!! The system is not always indiscriminate tho i might add a few months back i was let go as were 5 other sparks due to 2 large contract of my company had been lost so they had to streamline which although didn't do me any favours i understand the needs of a business, so i applied for jobseekers allowance for the interim, only to be informed that i was not entitled to any benefit since i had been CIS for 4 months or so and paid a reduced NI contribution within 2 years of applying!! I asked the lady at the Job centre how immigrants were entitled to benefit when they clearly would have not paid a full NI contribution 2 years prior to them arriving in england? She went nuts and started ranting that she could not discuss this making out it was a racist question!! I thought it was legitimate and wasn't racially motivated at all. Prior to the last 2 years i have paid full NI for the last 16 years but apparently that doesn't count!! How convenient!

There certainly is no easy quick solutions and i wonder if the damage has already been done and is now unrepairable
Smiley, this reminded me of a van driver for my wholesaler a few years back now. He,s in a grotty two room flat with girlfriend and new baby, keeps going to the social place trying to get a move across the road into some new council masionettes . They kept fending him off with excuses then its suddenly occupied.

He makes enquiries and books another interview. " Why have you blown us out and moved a black girl in, up from London "

Interview woman stands up and calls " Racist remarks here Mr So & So"

He was escorted from the building .

And he,s a black guy himself !!!! :C
