Growatt dongle help

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Active member
Aug 23, 2022
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Hi.we recently changed our home wifi network and cannot get the growatt dongle to update and connect...we have tried the book guide and it fails at 90% every time.anyone near cumbernauld that can attend/help? Can we remove datalogger and connect it to a laptoo to program it ?
Hi.we recently changed our home wifi network and cannot get the growatt dongle to update and connect...we have tried the book guide and it fails at 90% every time.anyone near cumbernauld that can attend/help? Can we remove datalogger and connect it to a laptoo to program it ?
Thanks john.we have the other one without the bottom button.(has the key port) We have followed all the steps for that model but it fails at 90% update....
Just pure guesswork, as I have no first-hand knowledge or experience of your kit..

But as you said you have changed your home wi-fi....
Could it be a wi-fi frequency related problem?
e.g. have you changed from a 2.4gig to 5gig wi-fi set up?

And possibly the dongle isn't happy with a 5gig network?

Or if your dongle and wi-fi router have a few obstacles between them,
generally a 2.4gig band network will perform better than a 5gig.

Maybe its failing due to poor signal connectivity..?
e.g. too many time-out delays, transmissions errors etc..?

(bit of side info re 2.4g -vs- 5.0g wi-fi bandwidth etc..)

Can you identify which frequency your dongle wi-fi is using..
and/or force it to use a specific frequency?

Maybe that's a help.. if so have a beer to celebrate.. 🍺
Or if not.. have two beers to commiserate!! 🍻
Maybe too late for this but you could try altering the ssid and password on your new router to the same as your old one and assuming its 2.4g turn off 5g for now to make it less confusing. Not much use if you have already reset the dongle though.
That wont work because the ssid will not be the old one. Hoping some pc geek can advise if i can connect the dongle to a laptop and communicate directly to update ?
Have already turned off 5g and used phone,laptoo,and tablet to connect with dongle on 2.4 but f##kin thing keeps crashing at 90% update..ggrrrrt.
That wont work because the ssid will not be the old one. Hoping some pc geek can advise if i can connect the dongle to a laptop and communicate directly to update ?
You can of course change the SSID to whatever you wish it to be, but never mind.
We’ve gone to a new broadband supplier and as I have a lot of smart gadgets I’ve added a mesh router and given the mesh the same username and password as my old router. switched off the 5.0g on the mesh and everything continues to connect as before
Hi.we recently changed our home wifi network and cannot get the growatt dongle to update and connect...we have tried the book guide and it fails at 90% every time.anyone near cumbernauld that can attend/help? Can we remove datalogger and connect it to a laptoo to program it ?

'Without Prejudice' - but the Growatt dongles are useless. In our experience as an installer, their dongles do not connect properly, even with all their kit and extra kit that they supply. They sell a product which can connect to Wifi over multiple meters, but in reality talking to their tech team, it does not work as they advertise. We had to change over Growatt inverters to Solis, as Growatt would never connect to WiFi. Their technical support told us to look at 'Youtube' videos, and offered no technical support whatsoever. In my opinion steer clear of Growatt. Solis have recently offered an 'onsite service' which means the telephone wait time is from 45 mins to about 5 minutes. Sunsynk are pretty similar in helping out, but they don't follow up as quickly. From my experience with Growatt, ditch and go with a supplier that offers help when you need it.

'Without Prejudice' - but the Growatt dongles are useless. In our experience as an installer, their dongles do not connect properly, even with all their kit and extra kit that they supply. They sell a product which can connect to Wifi over multiple meters, but in reality talking to their tech team, it does not work as they advertise. We had to change over Growatt inverters to Solis, as Growatt would never connect to WiFi. Their technical support told us to look at 'Youtube' videos, and offered no technical support whatsoever. In my opinion steer clear of Growatt. Solis have recently offered an 'onsite service' which means the telephone wait time is from 45 mins to about 5 minutes. Sunsynk are pretty similar in helping out, but they don't follow up as quickly. From my experience with Growatt, ditch and go with a supplier that offers help when you need it.
My experience is totally different, the Growatt datalogger connects reliably to my WiFi and has worked without issue from day 1.
I recently rebooted my router and subsequently could not connect to the growatt datalogger. After much googling I deleted the datalogger and reset the dongle, however it would not reconnect to the router. Similar to what was described above. I assumed it must be a wifi connectivity as my router was several thick wall away issue so I added a wifi extender in line of site of the dongle and that solved the problem. No issues since then.