GU10 Lamps options

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Domestic Electrician
Feb 18, 2008
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I have just fitted 6 downlighters in a kitchen with normal GU10'S

customer asked if there were other types of lamps that could be used

i put in an LED one and it gave a poor light

any other ideas ?????

I have just fitted 6 downlighters in a kitchen with normal GU10'S

customer asked if there were other types of lamps that could be used

i put in an LED one and it gave a poor light

any other ideas ?????

I just fitted LED GU10s in our new kitchen, 7 altogether, to replace the 50W halogens which came with the fittings. We started with 4 at 3W each as an experiment, decided we liked them but bought 3 more at 5W each. In practice they are plenty bright, though I wish we had gone for warm white rather than white for the 5W ones, which were around

I just fitted LED GU10s in our new kitchen, 7 altogether, to replace the 50W halogens which came with the fittings. We started with 4 at 3W each as an experiment, decided we liked them but bought 3 more at 5W each. In practice they are plenty bright, though I wish we had gone for warm white rather than white for the 5W ones, which were around

I'll get a pic next time at at a customers house, put a load of led's in his kitchen, hall and bathroom, wasn't expecting great things, and they turned out pretty bright.

I've got LED GU10 lamps on my bar fittings in the kitchen 8 in total. I find them ok and the wife is happy with them too. I think that LED's are the way forward and will get even better in time. What I like about these is that they don't get too warm either so an advantage when used as a downlighter.
