Handy tip if you cannot get tiles to adhere to wall

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Oct 22, 2010
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Home for the terminally bewildered, one step ahead
Have you ever struggled getting tiles to stick to a wall? ( no?, me neither!)

anyway my mate has bought a new house and the previous owner must have struggled getting these little beauties to stick


Not really to my taste, anyway look a little closer at the centre dot....


Can you tell what it is yet?

yep....A SCREW!   I 💩You not!!!

most of the tiles have been centre drilled, and screwed back

here is a wall after tile removal



I've seen some 💩 But this beats it by a long way

Or maybe they just had a lot of soap trays, toilet roll holders and shaving mirrors fixed to those tiles in the past!

Doc H.

Way back in the 70s I used polystyrene tiles to cover a rough kitchen ceiling where I'd taken out a chimney breast, etc. They were readily available, easy to fix, and best of all cheap, as we were hard up at the time. 

Then I saw the video of what happened in a fire …….

Took them down again leaving me with an even rougher ceiling because of the tile cement.

Geoff you could have then got that rough ceiling artexed with that good asbestos variety that way the fire would have no chance of propagating upstairs.

I remember my dad fitting those lovely polystyrene tiles in our kitchen in the late 60’s early 70’s, cost me a beating, because they weren’t long up and I came in the house with a golf ball and discovered I could bounce the golf ball hard on the floor to bounce up and leave a nice dent in the tile, think I played various games with my brother that evening, like see how many dents we could get in one tile, or see if we could hit every tile in a straight line, all this while mum and dad were probably in the pub and we were getting left to our own devices.

Wasnt so good when about 3 or 4 days later it was noticed.

Back in the day I made a huge wooden framed sand pit that I used to set my Airfixk model soldiers in for WW2 battles and stuff. Complete with trenches, home made barbed wire and homemade explosives. Poly ceiling tiles when lit were a good substitute for napalm....if non were available then the dielectric out of Coax cable was just as good. Only the foam one though, the airspace one was used for smoke screens obviously
