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Junior Member
Sep 30, 2010
Reaction score
can someone explain why my service head has two incomers? and why what appears to be a tns system has a rod outside connected via 10mm direct to db?

thanx lads


Pics would really help!

Welcome to the forum btw.

It could be a summation supply.

There is another thread running wrt rods on tns, this is not "against" the regs as long as the earthing and bonding is correctly designed & installed.

Without any pictures we can only assume on the information provided. It is common practice to install a supply to one house, and divert this supply to next door. We would need pictures to be more precise.

Old TT install 'upgraded' to TNS? I thought it was common to take three phases into a house and just use one, looping the others to next house?

will post pics asap, new to all this so need to work out how to upload pics from i phone!! would it be acceptable to test ze as tns and remove rod if results are good?

No, without fully understanding the type of supply and earthing arrangement do not disconnect anything

ok, will contact dno to check earthing arrangment, shud i not be concerned that if system is tt that there is no rcd in board?

Used to be common practice to have loop-in service supplies (in/out) on new housing projects, Basildon and Laindon are pretty much all supplied that way by the then leccy board..., And all PME supplies. Neutral grounding rods, cad-welded as i remember, were also provided at every 3rd house or so.

ok, understand loop in/out. now i want to upgrade board to 17th dual rcd and install main earth bonding to gas and water as there currently is none now,also would like to install smoke and heat alarms. is this a tns system or tt?

pics will come tomorrow sorry, just a bit confused as there is a main earth from left incomer to met but as said rod also connected to db?????

first things first,


I am not convinced you have sufficent knowledge to install a consumer unit


you have absolutely NO idea what type of earthing arrangement you have so dont know of any requirements needed


there is NO such thing as a 'MAIN' earth


this is in the completely wrong place,

student & learning anyone?

will be installed under supervision of qualified electrician! just trying to understand something that no one appears to teach! wish to learn in the sensible manner of asking questions and hopefully getting answers!

OK slim,

clearer now, under supervision, well then, as he/she will be actually on site and able to physically inspect ask for their opinion, this is a hard one to grasp from a basic DIY description,

it may as well be my missus explaining to me how to work the washing machine,

I know that the button is marked 5, then I press start, thats it,

you have told me there is an earth rod and it is connected to 'MET' (IIRC), but I have no idea of its purpose or Ra or anything.

I am going to move this to the student and learning section, it will provide more constructive advise, and help you to understand the implications of earthing
