Help using a fluke 1651 instead of a megger

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Junior Member
Feb 17, 2010
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Hi all im currently training as a spark and keen to learn more a new friend in college lent me his part p doctor book which i think is brilliant and so straight forward it put me right at ease with all that lies ahead of me and makes perfect sense to me i was struggling getting to grips with certain things i now feel totally confident ibm very interested in testing so i went out and bought a fluke 1651 its all i could afford and this is where my problems start i use a megger at college and thats what the guy in the book uses which is quite easy but the fluke is not so easy to me help! Could somebody tell me how to set it up for all the tests i an building my own rig to practice on thanks

Hello Learner, do you not have an instruction booklet or user guide or similar with it? Or is the item a second-hand tester?

Doc H.

Right, I can't help your with the operating instructions but keep checking on the thread and hopefully one of the others may have links to manual or other info for you later. I guess the most important bit is that you know its calibrated so your readings should be ok. Have you considered taking it into college to try comparison readings on the same bit of test rig. May be worth asking your lecturer if anyone at college is familiar with your tester?

Doc H.

Thanks guys found a manual and downloaded it going to have a read now. Any more help is welcome.

Hmmm manual is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard maybe i am being thick ! Could probably do with someone explaining it to me same as part p doctor does in his book. Pray

Do you mean going through the tests in the book and selecting the right function on the fluke as to correspond with what the megger is set on ? If so i can help but quite busy at the moment maybe 1 of the other guys could do it sooner i will check this thread when i have time to do it if no one else can help mate ok good luck.

Page 6 of the manual seems to show what each setting is for. Futher on in the manual it states how to perform the tests in general rather than saying "put this lead here" and "plug that in there". If you pick a test (probably earth fault loop impedence is the easyist in a home when "playing"), look at the book you have and then look at the fluke instructins on page.

It doesn't say whether its RCD safe so it may trip RCD's (but hopefully using 3 leads it will not). I do not understand why the manual is not clearer on that (or maybe it is in another part but I am not reading the whole thing).

The name of the Guy that is the author of "The Part P Doctor and The Part P Doctor - Second Fix (2nd)" is Mr Alan Lynch he is a member on here. His Username is the doctor.

Alan's book is available in our auction section (TEF Online Auctions) with an Exclusive Forum Member offer of (And this is the cheapest you will get them ANYWHERE)

Hi admin thanks for the reply you are right not done much testing at all just familarized myself with friends megger at college which i must say seems more straight forward to use !! I would just like help help doing the same tests in alans book using the fluke as opposed to the megger dead tests of course not live so i can build up my confidence in testing and LEARN. I am not doing unit 202 today you must have your wires crossed pardon the pun. Thank you again to all of you this seems quite a good forum to belong to and i have learned more being on here already.

We all make mistakes admin. Andy i understand the tests and how to perform them my problem is using the fluke its best explained like this in the part p book alan shows you testing with a megger and clearly shows what to set it on for desired test fine he you have the megger but i have the fluke and it is a different machine which i foot understand fully yet ! If he did the book with a fluke i would understand how to do it that is what i am trying to put across to you good fellows. Again thanks for all your help so far chaps.

I use a fluke daily,

if you can tell me what test you need explained I will try and help.

I have a 1652(same as admin I think) and IIRC its almost identical to 1651, with only a few more functions.

by the way, the only reason I have'nt got part P doctor is the megger thing,(sorry).

the FLUKE you have is much superior to the megger,.

I use a fluke daily,if you can tell me what test you need explained I will try and help.

I have a 1652(same as admin I think) and IIRC its almost identical to 1651, with only a few more functions.

by the way, the only reason I have'nt got part P doctor is the megger thing,(sorry).

the FLUKE you have is much superior to the megger,.
You feeling ok Steps? Normally Megger do not get off that light with you.
