Help using a fluke 1651 instead of a megger

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Thank you steptoe i will take you up on your very kind offer. So here goes 1st test p.f.c test between live and neutral then live and earth and enter highest reading on schedule. So what do i set my fluke to and which leads do i use ? Note to everyone i am going to be writing all the advice down for future reference not going to do any tests yet. 2nd test ZE disconnect main earth attach croc clip and connect to earth. Place other probe into live test then reconnect earth immediately ! Again what do i set my fluke on and which leads do i use. Next tests continuity of c.p.c's/ring circuit test/r1+r2 all need to be done on low ohms setting (correct me if wrong) leads nulled. Again what do i need to set my fluke on and which leads to use. Next test IR. Test 1 live and earth. Test 2 neutral and earth. Test 3 live and neutral. Make sure no loads/vulnerable equipment connected "THINK" before pressing the button. Again what do i set fluke to and which leads do i use. Next ZS Test. Place probe in live of circuit to be tested and the other probe in the earth ideally taken at the point you recorded your highest r1+r2 reading when continuity testing. Again what do i set my fluke on and which leads do i use. Next RCD Test. I think i have worked this out allready but would still like you to walk me through the settings thanks.

Learner the very first thing you need to do is get the order of tests correct before you even start.

1. Continuity of protective conductors, including main and supplementary bonding (2.7.5)

2. Continuity of ring final circuit conductors (2.7.6)

3. Insulation resistance (2.7.7)

4. Protection by SELV, PELV or by electrical seperation (2.7.8) - rarely used.

5. Protection by barriers or enclosures provided during erection (2.7.9) - rarely used.

6. Insulation resistance of non-conducting floors and walls (2.7.10) - rarely used.

7. Polarity (2.7.11) - This test can be done at the same time as number 1.

8. Polarity (Live)

9.Earth electrode resistance (2.7.12) - Only needed on TT installations.

10. Protection by automatic disconnection of supply (2.7.13)

11. Earth Fault Loop Impedance (2.7.14)

12. Additional protection. (2.7.15)

13. Prospective fault current (2.7.16) - The Fluke finds this value for you when you test for number 10.

14. Phase sequence (2.7.17)

15. Functional testing (2.7.18)

16. Voltage drop (2.7.19)

Tests 1-7 are classed as dead tests.

Tests 8-16 are classed as live tests.

All My info can be found on page 33-34 of GN3.

Hope this helps.


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Risteard where does it go? I was thinking after ADS but before volt drop. I was only going by what it says in GN3. My apologies for getting it wrong. :coat AndyGuinness
It is the VERY FIRST TEST you do, after energising the supply Mate.

Thanks for all the input guys. But i am still non the wiser about using my fluke lol. Guinness

Its all down to practice, when I first bought a tester I drove my wife mad by testing everything in our house, again and again and again and so on.

The practice with any new equipment pays off when you have to test on-site.

I have some old test equipment that I still used simply because I did not trust these new multi type testers, now I know they are a godsend and so much easier to use than the old individual testers.

Keep at it and you will figure it out soon enough.

Learner the very first thing you need to do is get the order of tests correct before you even start.1. Continuity of protective conductors, including main and supplementary bonding (2.7.5)

2. Continuity of ring final circuit conductors (2.7.6)

3. Insulation resistance (2.7.7)

4. Protection by SELV, PELV or by electrical seperation (2.7.8) - rarely used.

5. Protection by barriers or enclosures provided during erection (2.7.9) - rarely used.

6. Insulation resistance of non-conducting floors and walls (2.7.10) - rarely used.

7. Polarity (2.7.11) - This test can be done at the same time as number 1.

8. Polarity (Live)

9.Earth electrode resistance (2.7.12) - Only needed on TT installations.

10. Protection by automatic disconnection of supply (2.7.13)

11. Earth Fault Loop Impedance (2.7.14)

12. Additional protection. (2.7.15)

13. Prospective fault current (2.7.16) - The Fluke finds this value for you when you test for number 10.

14. Phase sequence (2.7.17)

15. Functional testing (2.7.18)

16. Voltage drop (2.7.19)

Tests 1-7 are classed as dead tests.

Tests 8-16 are classed as live tests.

All My info can be found on page 33-34 of GN3.

Hope this helps.


Number 13 "(Perspective Fault Current (PFC)" is found when doing a "Earth Fault Loop Impedance, external of the installtion (Ze)"

And with the Fluke Multimeter (I use 1652), I use all three test leads while doing this. I then press "F1" and it automatically takes the "Perspective Short Circuit Current (PSCC)" too. Just record the highest of the 'PFC' and 'PSCC' readings as your PFC.

Hi learner the tests alan does are just his way of testing everybody does them different. I wish i had the time to explain how to use the fluke the same way alan uses the megger in his book. If nobody else can help you to do it i will try to knock up a guide for you this weekend and post it on this thread. The fluke is the better tester by the way !

Does any body know what i set it on for ze ik or rk. Or another forum that may be able to help ? Thanks.

Did you look at the manual? Taking that with the guide you have, I am struggling to see why you are having a problem.


Can you take a close up pic of the face of your 1651? A nice clear shot so I can see the wording.

I want to see the difference in the 1651 and 1652 face display. I have looked on Google Images, but couldn't find a decent image.

No doubt Patch will be able to.

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Did you look at the manual? Taking that with the guide you have, I am struggling to see why you are having a problem.
because i am a learner and did not get the instructions with the meter i just want to be able to in into college with an understanding of how to use it this is my problem hence asking for help on here.

Learner,Can you take a close up pic of the face of your 1651? A nice clear shot so I can see the wording.

I want to see the difference in the 1651 and 1652 face display. I have looked on Google Images, but couldn't find a decent image.

No doubt Patch will be able to.

Admin i had a choice between both testers and i think the difference is 1 extra turn on the knob was 3 arrows in a clockwise rotating direction on 1652 i think

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