Back in the day, when I was still touring, we had a young lampie on the crew bus.Nice lad, worked hard but was a little lacking in 'street smarts'. We had a gig in North Wales, Llandudno I think, and were approaching the Welsh 'border'.
'Have you got your passport?' we asked him.
'No! You don't need a passport for Wales!' Was the reply.
Now we'd got everyone else, including the driver in on this, so we all fished our passports out and said 'We've all got ours'
He fell for it! We told him we'd stop in a lay-by and if he hopped out of the bus and legged over a very muddy field we would pick him up on the other side of the border at a pub in a village.
An hour later he turned up soaked through and mud up to his knees.
Laugh! We gave him stick about it for weeks! :^O
Mind you, there was a famous US band who I got looking out for 'wild haggis' on the way up to Glasgow!