"It Just Is"
Dave allow me to be off assistance if you will. With your permission I would like to forward your post to the HMRC so they know who not to investigate.
Yes its there in the 16th but by taking the option of using the safe zones I'd forgotten that the 50mm deep thing was ever there. Never had occasion to bury a cable 50mm deep.TBHYour memory is playing tricks.. Deke..either that or its just another case of professional electricians not knowing their own trade very well...
The accident occurred in 2004...
and the requirement for safe zone usage or a depth of 50mm or greater has been around well before that..
reg 522-06-06 was certainly on page 84 of the yellow book 1992..
which is a good 12years before hand
Now if the Police had done that, then when it got to court, the case would be thrown out, I think they call it "entrapment"......The lady of the house pipes up "well pay now if you want, the plumber did a deal for cash"
Well if you want to pay cash thats fine but the deal will be what was on the quotation in the total ammount box & it will go through the books as normal (something my old man always said & did & I've been the same), but I would rather wait until you have an invoice.
a few days later I get a cheque in the post with a compliment slip Mrs *. **** senior specialist tax inspector blah blah blah .... with a hand written message thanking me for a job well done & for being an honest trades person.
I suspect the plumber was in the doo doo.
Contact them again and find out who the plumber was (tell them you are looking for some plumbing work to be done) then find out how he got on.Just glad I didnt put it to the test Dave.
Did you declare the bacon rolls and biscuits, aren't they considered "payment in kind"? :innocentThe moral is you never know who the customer is or might work for.