I Hate Foreign Wiring Diagrams .

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Called to breakdown today , Book stitcher starts up and runs as soon as they switch on , none of the stop buttons working and main drive motor gearbox getting hot .

Eventually interpret KM1 as Komand Main or to me , Main Contactor , and yes, its stuck in .

Gearbox I'm not getting involved with .

We also have language issues. As well as dealing with the main European languages such as German, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese which is where most of our imports come from we also have 11 official languages of our own. It takes a bit of practice but you do eventually get the hang of decyphering foreign documentation.

I done a programmer [landlord supplied it] a few weeks ago, frickin french manual.!

using my schoolboy french I was getting along OK until I powered up,

WTF, even the screen is in french too headbang and NO language options!!!!!!

landlord didnt tell me it was supplied by the tenant, a french student!!!!!!!!!

Just for Steptoe his post in French

J'ai fait un programmeur [propriétaire a fourni] il ya quelques semaines, putain manuel françaises.!

en utilisant mon écolier français, je s'entendait sur ​​OK jusqu'à ce que je mis sous tension,

WTF, même l'écran est en français aussi headbang et aucune option de langue!!

propriétaire ne m'a pas dit il a été fourni par le locataire, un étudiant français!!!

Actually a criminal offence in the UK not to supply machine information in English, has been since 1992 IIRC.

So 20 years now, but it still happens, and again nothing is done about it.

Alles touristen und non-technischen looken peepers! Das machinkontrol is nicht for gefengerpoken und mittengrabben. Oderwise is easy schnappen der springenverk, blowenfus, undpoppencorken mit spitzensparken. Der machine is diggen by experten only. Is nicht fur geverken by das dumpkopfen. Das rubber necken sightseenen keepen das cotton-picken hands in das pockets. So relaxen, und vatchen das blinkenlights.

I worked for a German owned factory in North wales for a short while. The German top brass were visiting and I was working with a colleague on a machine when they came by and were standing around very close to me. I said loudly to my colleague in Welsh in Stan Boardman mode "I don't like them germans - they bombed our chip shop in the war" ..... the looks on the face of the welsh understanding workers was a picture and the germans must have wondered what the laughter was about!

Best "language" issue I've come across is where a guy on a site I was on had an accident fire proofing steel beams. He was spraying 2-part thick "paint" applied via a gun and he managed to inject it, after mixing, and under pressure into his hand. Ended up losing a finger and part of the hand. He was rushed to A&E with his hand/arm like a balloon and with the site's (a major contractor btw) first aider clutching the COSHH file for the steel work package. The doctor flicks through the manual and says "Is it in English anywhere?". Turns out that the company had supplied the documentation in every language but English. The contractor's document controller probably read the title of the COSHH data and filed it on the system. Job done! As far as he was concerned he was expecting "something", he did, so he ticked his box.

Alles touristen und non-technischen looken peepers! Das machinkontrol is nicht for gefengerpoken und mittengrabben. Oderwise is easy schnappen der springenverk, blowenfus, undpoppencorken mit spitzensparken. Der machine is diggen by experten only. Is nicht fur geverken by das dumpkopfen. Das rubber necken sightseenen keepen das cotton-picken hands in das pockets. So relaxen, und vatchen das blinkenlights.
OMG !!! I can sprachen de Deutcher !!!

My brother worked for a german firm and speaks good German but sometimes there would be smiles or laughter from the Germans which puzzled him .

Eventually he found that although his German was good and a university education has extinguished his Brummie accent , they could hear it when he spoke German and , to them , it was an amusing Black Foresty/ Bavarian folk accent that is funny to Germans .

He also discovered that all Germans speak and understand English but he could speak to a fellow Midlander over there in broad Brummie/Black Country and they couldn't understand a thing .

A little knowledge is a F dangerous thing

Years ago I started to learn Arabic [spent so much time in Egypt it seemed like a good idea, keep in with the locals etc]

I ceased my learning when due to my perfect Arabic pronunciation AND Lancashire accent I INSISTED that a member of the constabulary had ' a Mother who relieved goats for money '........I cannot remember what I really meant. Oh how we laughed [pi$$ poor sense of humour your Arab, pi$$ poor]

Another time we were meeting at a restaurant called Bulls. Got taxi outside Hilton. Explained we wanted to go to Bulls by the intriguing power of Mime and Dance, we pointed to our mouths, affected an 'eating motion', put our forefingers to the sides of our heads [imitating a Bulls Horns, pawed our 'hooves' on the floor like a Bull....with me so far?!?!]......fricking taxi driver took us to the local slaughterhouse! Whoops!

Anta al Hahdakha al Hahdaf, imshi


Alles touristen und non-technischen looken peepers! Das machinkontrol is nicht for gefengerpoken und mittengrabben. Oderwise is easy schnappen der springenverk, blowenfus, undpoppencorken mit spitzensparken. Der machine is diggen by experten only. Is nicht fur geverken by das dumpkopfen. Das rubber necken sightseenen keepen das cotton-picken hands in das pockets. So relaxen, und vatchen das blinkenlights.
