I Have Been Advised My Re-Wire Job Is Dangerous

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Dear Ralph Dekker

We haven't heard anything from the Inspector further [SIZE=12pt]to our telephone conversation last week in which you said we should receive an e-mail (Friday 11th October 2013).[/SIZE]
There is, I understand, some contention regarding the failure of WES Electrical to change the 10amp in the CU to a 6amp
amongst other issues surrounding work carried further to our initial complaint.
I am about to get my studio installed at the property.  We therefore ask that this matter be [SIZE=12pt]treated with the utmost urgency. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
We look forward to hearing from you.
The hold music for NICEIC is Queen's 'Don't Stop me Now' - I think they should change it to Talking Heads 'Burning Down the House'  :facepalm:

Hey guess what?  The nightmare continues!  I walk around the house going to switch on a light where the switch should be and hey presto..... of course, I forget, I am not LEFT handed.  Walking across the kitchen to get to the single light switches keeps me fit and healthy I guess.  And taking that step up to the landing switch all the time might be my daily hamstring stretch workout. But oh, the joys of waiting for the internet as I wiggle the wires from the CAT 5e socket because that's come out.  I have the little box unit balancing on a desk lamp and if I get it in JUST the right place, the internet works faster.  And ....... this electrician wants to take us to court.  DA DAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.  :facepalm:   headbang

How about serving papers on NICEIC , they obviously cant be bothered sorting their approved electrician muppets let alone the shoddy work undertaken & signed off by said approved company........................

Have you given them a snagging list yet???

You might have to by a box of fanfold paper first though.

On a serious note though,, did you have a written contract with them?
No, we had nothing in writing apart from the work on the loft conversion but he treated the rest of the house as a separate issue...... we don't want to give him another snagging list yet.  However, I just had a thought that I could contact NICEIC again about the CAT wiring issue but all they would probably say is he'd have to return to the job to put it right.  Wa Waaaaaaa no way.  The powers that be are asking for an expert witness.  They've got a *ing cheek scuse mon francais. We already paid this guy over £4k and he's chasing us for more money despite all the hassle we have been through. 

Well it's gone quiet George I thought you had steps report took then to court and had then pay for a steps rewire!!

Obviously not!
To rewire the house would have meant all the fresh plaster work coming off and we were bound in with the loft conversion co so that made it more difficult for another tradesman to come in.  Plus, we had paid money up front. I know, I know..... Btw  NICEIC just kept wanting to let this excuse of an electrician to come back and put it right.  

I doubt that the NIC will give a flying ?!?! About the Cat5 if they are not bothered about the other issues!

Sounds like you have a moody connection on the back of the port or a carp port

Is it a single or a double port......1 on a square plate or 2?

I will happily post out a replacement quality port and plate to you along with some instructions so you can swap it yourself!

F.O.C. of course

Pm me your address if you want

Doesn't help,your other issues, but it is one less on the list

Just ..........embarrassed for what used to be a conscientious trade

I wouldn`t bother going to NIC over the cat 5 - they`ll just say that`s out of their jurisdiction, and they have no powers whatsoever ( not they they have much anywhere except copyright theft.....)

It really annoys me to see the way the NIC have prostituted their standards and morals to the highest bidder, and seem to have no thought for the end user whatsoever. Makes me ashamed to be a member of their organisation, :(  

Just had a skim-read back through some of this...

TBH I think you need to stop and reconsider exactly what it is you are hoping to achive...

and have you got a water-tight case to achieve what you want???

Because from the bits I have read I am not convinced there is an abundance of evidence in your favour...

Maybe I've missed something.. dunno... 

but heres my reasoning.

1/ Is there actually a clear proven immediate danger due to poor work...? 

or its it just some "non-hazardous" shoddy work.????

There can be plenty of work that does not comply with BS7671..

but that does NOT mean it is an immediate danger!!

(and you can't be prosecuted for untidy work.)

2/ Is there a paper trail of letters, quotes, contracts, electrical certificates, invoices, complaints letters & replies etc..

Detailing an unambiguous schedule of work that both yourself and the contractor agreed to..?

I would suggest that it is common knowledge that loads of consumer guidance, sites, programs, books etc..   ALL recommend getting multiple written quotes before agreeing to any substantial home improvement work...

Although verbal agreements are still an acceptable legal contract..   They are more difficult to prove!!

If a customer is daft enough not to get any form of written agreement then they are asking for trouble...

And if something did go to court, it could well be determined as a 50/50 liabilty..

So neither party pays anything to the other..

But they still both have to cover their legal costs!

I get the impression most of it has been word-of-mouth agreements??

3/ If you are planning to try the media route...

Then stop and think what the TV / Radio / Press are looking for..

A good story to attract readers/viewers/listeners..

Their prime concern is not actually resolving your problem...

it is about boosting their ratings!!!!!

They will receive 1000's of similar complaints every year...

and if they are considering getting involved in your complaint, they will be looking for a good paper trail of evidence to back-up the story...

Otherwise they stand the risk of counter claim by the contractor for something like slander, liable or deformation of character / buisness...

4/ Irrespective of what trade you are talking about...

If bad work has been complained about the original contractor should be given opportunity to put right any mistakes....  (thought I read somewhere that you have not allowed the original guy back???)

And there is always more than one way to wire a property...

5 different electricians may all adopt different installation methods..

But is does not mean that 1 is right and 4 are wrong...

All 5 could still be right!!!

5/ The contractor saying he'll take you to court is probably following the exactly same advice that has been given on this forum numerous times about non-paying customers...  

Send then a CCJ letter for the amount owed!

So as I said at the start..

What exactly is the final outcome you are aiming for.....?

How much will that cost...     Time / effort / hassle & money...

If you don't have a cast-iron case...

what are the risks if you lose any legal battle....?

You have to balance that against cutting your losses and just getting the job finished by another contractor!

Sorry if thats not very positive or hopeful from your perspective ...

Obviously you have more detail than we can see on the forum...

But from what I have read I don't think it is all 100% in your favour!


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I agree with SL's post but still think we are going down the wrong avenue.

All goods and services supplied should be fit for purpose, it is clear that the installation does not work properly as would be expected.

Another issue is the health and safety of the installation, climbing to turn anything on and off is just bad.

The contractor has the right to put things right, and as this contractor has refused to do something then something can be done. If you allow them to take you to court for non payment they will win, simply because the work as been carried out, the small claims court is not interested in if it works or not.

The best way is to issue court proceedings against them first, perhaps under the goods act rather than a health and safety claim.
