I'm A Cowboy?

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Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Apparently another local sparks has told a potential customer I must be a cowboy !

Called by the home owner who has just purchased the property and asked for a ball park figure for one double socket to be put in the loft.

I said I would need to drop by & take a look at the existing installation, but if all was well I would expect a minimum of £50.

So I call in today (it is a 10 min walk from my place) new crabtree cu with split rcd & rcbo's MEB's fine & in place.

There is a double socket in a bedroom & is part of the RF, I said to surface mount the bedroom socket plonk in a length of trunking & through into the loft, where as luck would have it is the exact spot the fella wants the new socket.

Materials will be lucky to get above a tenner.

So my £50 is fine i think....

This other spark gave a price over the phone £105 + vat (he is visiting the address tomorrow evening.......i could drop in) & said I must be a handyman or cowboy & will probably wire to the light circuit cables in the loft for that price.

Cowboy indeed.......................T*&t

He's probably an Indian... so just ask him if he wants to play; because we know who always wins at the end! :slap

Suppose you cant win them all, and you just know when the customer says yes straight away without any hesitation that they have had much more expensive quotes,

No you are not a cowboy. you are a fair tradesman, not ripping people off but still charging enough to make an income from your work.

I have lost count of the amount of times doing a small cheap job like that has led to bigger more worthwhile jobs either from the same customer, or someone they recommended me to.

I wonder how many recommendations the other bloke gets?

I put loft sockets on the lighting ,  but only if they're for a TV signal  booster .  Can't see any problem with that , my mate doesn't agree and will spur off the bedroom plugs on his own work.                    He sees it as a 13A  supply  .......   I don't ,   I see it as a   0.5 A  supply  protected by a 6A breaker.    

Also to me , the term 13A socket  is the maximum rating of the accessory ,  but  its not mandatory .......IMHO .    

Cant be off the lighting circuit Deke, this fella is wanting to run his mixing deck.

I did notice the nice new tile vent, nothing connected to it but it is there :innocent
 If I go back & the loft is lined with space blankets :slap


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