interview clothing

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Depends what the job is. I always wear a suit, shirt & tie.

same as exbdc^^^

However, the interview I had for my last job we won't go into...

The one before that I had at work!

Mind work attire at the time was shirt & tie with trousers, chinos, or black jeans.

It was with a different co. too, I met up with my prospective boss & his boss in a pub round the corner from the mutual customer site that we had arranged to be at on the same day at the same time.


Edit: IIRC my tie was bugs bunny too!

I did know the both of them already though!

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Its an interesting one , being who we are you could be interviewed on a building site by a prospective employer, with you disguised as an electrician in old jeans ,toetectors etc.

Anywhere else I think smart casual , with a tie. Its not a wedding so best bib and tucker is OTT.

A bit of respect is called for, no smoking,no pharting, no chewing gum, no bright red Mohican haircut , don't try to talk posh ,people can usually tell , unless you do actually talk posh of course , like Specs or Patche.

I was working at a legal place two weeks ago, guy came to reception for an interview, couldn't help overhearing, late 20s, full of confidence and self importance, " My name is ********** I'm here for an interview with Mrs ******** at 3.00 . if you would inform her that I am here, I'll wait over here shall I ?

I thought to myself , " Pompous prat, I wouldn't employ him, probably be running the place in a year."

Its an interesting one , being who we are you could be interviewed on a building site by a prospective employer, with you disguised as an electrician in old jeans ,toetectors etc. Anywhere else I think smart casual , with a tie. Its not a wedding so best bib and tucker is OTT.

A bit of respect is called for, no smoking,no pharting, no chewing gum, no bright red Mohican haircut , don't try to talk posh ,people can usually tell , unless you do actually talk posh of course , like Specs or Patche.

I was working at a legal place two weeks ago, guy came to reception for an interview, couldn't help overhearing, late 20s, full of confidence and self importance, " My name is ********** I'm here for an interview with Mrs ******** at 3.00 . if you would inform her that I am here, I'll wait over here shall I ?

I thought to myself , " Pompous prat, I wouldn't employ him, probably be running the place in a year."
Sounds like ideal solicitor material.

Shirt,Tie,smart trousers (pressed)

clean shaven, decent haircut or styled

earrings out

be yourself personality wise

first impressions count,,,so if the interviewer sees a smart bloke he is going to think your work is to a good standard

My lad (16) went for a job at JJB Sports,,,ok not a major interview situation.

30 went for 12 jobs

him and 3 others were seperated straight away and interviewed

Why ?? they were the only guys to where a shirt and tie

some of the others wore dirty trainers scruffy tacksuits etc

appearance is important for every job interview......

Quite Right, Theory.

But, I have seen construction workers going for interviews and being laughed out of the place for going in suits, shirts and ties etc.

Quite Right, Theory.But, I have seen construction workers going for interviews and being laughed out of the place for going in suits, shirts and ties etc.
When I had an interview I knew there would be on farm type stuff so I wore shirt and trousers but no tie. Still important to look smart and presentable. A three piece suite probably OTT unless you are going for a position of bank manager.

If there was a chance of going out on site/ into factory etc then a clean overall and boots in the car not a bad plan?

As sparkies we have to be prepared and ready to compromise and adapt to a wide variety of scenarios, as such, I dont think you could go far wrong if you go to any interview dressed in your best double breasted suit and rigger cant beat and substance!!

as Theory says first impression count alot. When I went on a Princes Trust course a few months back they said that normally in an interview the interviewer has already made their mind up after 30 seconds or 20 seconds cant remember but first impressions are very important. Typical stereotypical world we live in lol

I guess depends on size of company

imagine being smarter than the boss :red card
