IR Heaters at a bar

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2008
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HI All

Ive got a client who runs an outside bar area

to heater this outside area, he uses 9 x 1500watt IR heaters

surprise surprise .... its costing him a **** load to run them.

So he'd like me to look into how to save him money but without losting the IR heaters

what do you think this vphase unit ????

Anymore ideas ??? (remembering as always they don't like spending money)


Waste of money. It will reduce the heating effect in proportional to the money saved. So it's equivalent to just turning off one of the heaters, which would save buying the gadget.

I won't start on about my opinion of heating the outside though... headbang

Thanks Matt

but due to the nature of the layout that product wouldnt throw enough heat out

"""I won't start on about my opinion of heating the outside though..."""

totally agree there, but he's not for budging on this 1

Also suggested Industrial blower parafin heater instead off IR Heaters as a possible

Space heaters simply don't work outside. Neither would they be safe.

The most cost effective economy device available is the "off" switch. Have a switch for each heater behind the bar so he can just turn on only those that are needed (at customers request perhaps).

it's already switched from bar and split allowing a 3 way split (3 IR controlled off 1 switch)

Well thanks for the input , As i thought there's not an easy/simple alternative option to heat fresh air cheaply ;)

thanks GH

but he also has those as well (for winter when the IR Heaters struggle)

;) ; ) ;)

it's already switched from bar and split allowing a 3 way split (3 IR controlled off 1 switch)Well thanks for the input , As i thought there's not an easy/simple alternative option to heat fresh air cheaply ;)
other option is if customers are cold, either put more clothes on, or go inside

what about the guy doing a deal on those drinks that you set on fire..... 2 for the price of one...... a few of them knocked back will surely heat them up..... or at least make them forget about the cold lol
