ok thanks.
My parents had 2 outdoor sockets added (not by me) with no RCD, no Isolating switch. He was also nice enough to replace a faulty 6a mcb with a 16a which he had knocking around. it seems alot of people are ignorant to part p and the regulations in place..
anyway, I think it was my laziniess that progressed this thread to where it is, I really only was seeking advice with quotes, but inadvertently brought up part p. :C
luckily I think there is a couple of 'small' things going on over the road so im aiming to be there aswell,
what is......part p??
....... I think part p is a nuisance and so never done it, I just write any old scribble on a napkin and hand it over as testing and invoice
does adding a socket to the exterior of the house fall into the the notification category as it only seems to refer to outdoors as 'garden' but it isnt technically 'in' garden as it is ON the house?
....but are there any instances where work outside isnt notifiable.
......He was also nice enough to replace a faulty 6a mcb with a 16a which he had knocking around
Doc, When I did the 17th edition thingy , only one person in the class had any idea about Part Pee , 20 in the class .Approved document P should be a book or download that every person undertaking work within the scope of Part P has access to. Notifiable work is listed and specific mention of outside sockets is made in bullet point j. Any trader considering taking money from a client should be familiar with all regulations applicable to work they intend undertaking. It is quite shocking that 7+ years since part P was introduced that there are still "electricians" asking what work is or isn't notifiable. Students on college courses are expected to ask, but a paying customer should be entitled to getting a competent person with knowledge of current applicable regulations. (external sockets are notifiable) If damp gets into the socket tripping off the RCD in the house the customer will be none to pleased if you fail to fit an isolator as well!
Doc H.
You can only assume these "electricians" doing a 17th edition course don't have access to a copy of the On Site Guide either then? As since the 17th edition was published the OSG has a small section at the beginning of it, about building regulations and the need for compliance with electrical work in England and Wales. (and it gives guidance about where free copies of the approved documents can be downloaded from!). Hence my earlier comment that every electrician doing chargeable work for customers 'should' at least have access to a copy of BS7671, OSG and App Doc P, as they all refer to each other. So persons ignorant to the existence of Part P possibly may also be ignorant to the existence of OSG & BS7671 or maybe have just never read them?Doc, When I did the 17th edition thingy , only one person in the class had any idea about Part Pee , 20 in the class .
It was raised when I was asked " Whats an old Phart like you doing on the course?"
My answer " I'm forced to do it or I lose my ELECSA membership...Part Pee and all that "
"Part P ..whats about then ?" Was the general query.