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Feb 10, 2010
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Where the wild things are
It's been looming over me for some time, I now have confirmation that I will be made unemployed by April 1st 2017 (April fool's day :slap ).

We had confirmation today that our main contract has been awarded to another organisation and our organisation as it currently stands will cease to exist.


What next?


Sorry to hear that Blue Duck. Happened to me in 2014 (but had been threatened for a while before that) so I decided to go self employed. What part of a London are you in? 

Sorry to hear that Blue Duck. Happened to me in 2014 (but had been threatened for a while before that) so I decided to go self employed. What part of a London are you in? 
Cheers, It sucks but not much I can do other than look for more work, there isn't much that doesnt involve social housing out there.

Am in norf London. ;)

Apply for a job with the new organisation?

Do you have a Gold JIB card, or can you get one?

I have an expired labourers card of that helps? :lol:

Been a QS for the last 4 years. 


Glaring obvious solution, get up to pro daves, buy his house, take over his contact list. Simples and Dave is ready to hand it over to you.

Can't say I am not trying for you Dave 😀

Good luck Duck, you will take to it like a proverbial something to water, beautiful scenery, very little traffic, and generally just a lot less grief. I de stressed a couple of years ago and feel a lot better for it.

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I could have had a word with someone if you'd had a Gold JIB card, I think they only take card holders these days, shame!

It might be worth trying as you're still until April the QS, that would carry some weight, plus if you can get an employer reference?

When shall I book you in for a viewing Ducky?

Seriously I took voluntary redundancy in 2003 and have been self employed ever since. I would hate to go back to being an employee again.

Also sorry to hear that news Ducky.

That said ...the way to look at is door closes , another door opens .

I know nothing about Norf Landan other than they talk funny  and everything costs a fortune   :innocent , BUT  there must be more than social housing work ...there is I tell you. 

A few comments that may or may not help.

1)  As Sidey said , find out who has the new contract and apply to them , you will be bringing a wealth of experience ..BUT ...apply for the Foreman's job. 

2)  I would advise you apply for a new JIB card if you decide to remain employed. 

3)  Sometimes there is no option but to become self- employed .....the new contractor may prefer that situation and you could sub to them while building up your own 

      customer base. 

4)  I was employed until 1994 , outfit we built up went bust , you can't walk into supervisor, estimator, foreman, van driver jobs very often and no one seemed to want

     anyone over 40 on the tools .  

      But when I say one door closes another opens ....I did a bit of subbying ...   one morning I open the door of the Greasy Spoon Cafe and there,s an old colleague

      from the rewind firm I was once with ...Bob the Breakdown self employed covering the printing industry and looking for someone to pass on to... all the                installation  work , as he never has the  time or the inclination to do it himself.    

      Walked out of the cafe with 5 print firms to look after .

Is there anyone else at the present place with an inkling to start up on their own , possibly. ?

And like the plastic Scotsman with no Part Pee and a house to sell :innocent says,   I wouldn't want to work for someone else again .             

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Redundancy isn’t nice when it hits you. First time for me was voluntary, 2nd time 450 of us got the heave ho. My health was failing so in a way it suited me.

As others have said, contact the new company. All the best for the future.

Glaring obvious solution, get up to pro daves, buy his house, take over his contact list. Simples and Dave is ready to hand it over to you.

Can't say I am not trying for you Dave 😀

Good luck Duck, you will take to it like a proverbial something to water, beautiful scenery, very little traffic, and generally just a lot less grief. I de stressed a couple of years ago and feel a lot better for it.

Thanks Roy's I get the hint, but it's just too far away (from anything) and my eldest is afraid of midges. ( he's 4). :lol:

I could have had a word with someone if you'd had a Gold JIB card, I think they only take card holders these days, shame!

It might be worth trying as you're still until April the QS, that would carry some weight, plus if you can get an employer reference?

New firm won't be interested in doing the stuff we did, as we were a charity we ran at a loss, a big firm won't want that so they will just take the token jobs do them badly and then tell everyone how wonderful they are.

I tried to phone the JIB to find out about grading but they jus wouldn't answer the  bloody phone I got so annoyed with them I phoned constantly for 2 hours and still no answer!

Need to book the elf n safety test again...

I will get a reference I have to, but I can't trust this guy to tie his own shoelaces.

When shall I book you in for a viewing Ducky?

Seriously I took voluntary redundancy in 2003 and have been self employed ever since. I would hate to go back to being an employee again.

My redundancy is worth about £300 so that won't help much. 

I'm not ready for the outside world yet I need a regular income etc.

@Evans Electric 

I have to look at the bright  side, I have no choice but to be optimistic. I could get all depressed about it but I got kids to feed!

Just gonna fire my CV off in all directions and get on my bike, I know a few local companies and I'll go camp out on their doorstep. ;)

If all else fails there is a lot of temp work about,  just hate the idea of giving a scumbag agency any of my pay!


@Tonys <<<< can't get rid of this either! Meant to say at TonyS ta ;)

@Canoeboy I don't trust these people, When the funds start drying up they will drop us like hot dog poo except they need us for one particular unpleasant contract but they can't work that out for themselves! :lol:


Please note Im 99.999999% sure I replied to this in Friday, this has happened in a few of my posts.


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If you go self employed we may have some stuff. Everythings changed for me as i had an eye op 3 weeks ago and have not worked. Looks like it will be ok now but i still cant work too much or drive for another 6 weeks min. Made me rethink whats ahead. I havent posted much here as i cant see the screen that well. Its got better so yesterday went to poundland  for a couple of pairs of reading glasses, i can now see the screen.

I had  a problem the other day  trying to submit my Post No.8  on this thread .

Glad you are optimistic Ducky .

Suggest writing or emailing  the JIB ..........last H&S  nonsense I did for their card cost my £40  at the Midlands ECA  HQ.

Just to continue the doors closing and opening  thingy..... I was with a Stourbridge firm for about 8 yrs , they were struggling for work , redundant...two weeks notice I think,  gets home , a mate phones about going for a pint, told him the tale ,   he was supervising at the time ..."  Sorry to hear that , when can you start with us...tomorrow ?"    

Thats how it goes sometimes.   

we are looking for someone in Harlow, Heavy Maintenance, but I think they want to start before Christmas  

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Best the op does research on TUPE.

If his job is dedicated to the contract, his rights are pretty water tight and he should, along with the other employees, be transferred on their current terms to the new company.
