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TUPE stands for the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981. WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF THESE REGULATIONS? The purpose of the Regulations is to protect employment rights when employees transfer from one business (“the transferor”) to another (“the transferee”).

I have head a few horror stories and one of our guys was going to be tupe'd to the council got out of it by claiming that his skills were greater than they are, he's a bit of a Tomatoe'd so he also probably interviewed really badly.

today is inappropriate T-shirt day! :D

T&C's are the same but there is a lot of difficulties for TUPE'd employees especially if their terms are better.

Meeting today, clear as mud. Basically our fate is in the hands of the new employers and my current employer did not offer much, but his peers have encouraged him to be more proactive.

One thing that has become clearer is how appalling the whole process is, especially in regards to the behaviour of the local authorities who seem to think they can do what they like.

the sooner I'm out the better!

Well as I’m ⅓ Nottingham now “good luck m’ duck”.

I’ve some information stashed away from when I was tupped and ruddled in a “transfer of interests” contract. Its years old but if I can find it I’ll post it to you, It's all on paper.

As far as I know the basic transfer of interests guidelines haven’t changed much.

40 years Derbyshire

20 years Nottinghamshire

2 years Lincolnshire

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Just an update....

Finally after being messed around for so many months we've had our meetings with the new company they are going to take us on and our roles will remain the same.

It was all quite positive and they seem to know what they are doing!

I look forward to a new van, new tools and a much more pleasant work environment.

They are happy for me to do more training to advance my knowledge which is something I was promised by my current employer that never materialised!

Thanks for all your support.


I sincerely hope they stick to their word and it all comes good for you, all the best mate.

Just check your pension rights.

My original employer was being wound down and we were all likely to be TUPE'd to a new employer. BUT it would have meant transferring our defined benefit final salary pension into a completely unknown new pension pot of the new company.  I chose instead to resign and found a new job. The result was my final salary pension got frozen and it's mine in 6 years time to draw.  Those that remained and got TUPE'd have lost at least half their pension so far in another hardly reported pension scandal.

looks like a happy ending after all

yup, just took bloody ages to get there! 😃

I sincerely hope they stick to their word and it all comes good for you, all the best mate.

Thanks, I hope they do but if they don't I still have a job for the time being. :Salute

Just check your pension rights.

My original employer was being wound down and we were all likely to be TUPE'd to a new employer. BUT it would have meant transferring our defined benefit final salary pension into a completely unknown new pension pot of the new company.  I chose instead to resign and found a new job. The result was my final salary pension got frozen and it's mine in 6 years time to draw.  Those that remained and got TUPE'd have lost at least half their pension so far in another hardly reported pension scandal.

opted out of the company pension ;)

May opt into a scheme with the new company as they seem to be doing well.

Thanks for the heads up ;)

Thats sounding upbeat  Ducky  I hope it all goes well for you .   Not moving up to Brum then ?

All very positive even the office bods are feeling cheerful. Why would I move to brum, I can't speak Syrian! :lol:

That is good news Blue Duck, In the current economic climate any form of improved job security is a bonus. So I hope it all continues in a mutually acceptable way for both you and your new employers. You may well have to jump though a few more hoops to prove your skills and abilities for the new set-up, So just give it your best shot, but still keep your ear to the ground in case of other outside opportunities. Sometimes with these take-over / sell-off situations, the new owners keep things running with minimal changes for 6 to 12 months, so they can evaluate better exactly who are the decent workers and who are the expensive liabilities not pulling their weight. Keep your nose clean, do your bit, but don't let them walk all over you!

Doc H.

Cheers Doc, I'm still keeping my options open and looking for something that pays a bit more as things here are tight and It would be nice to bring in a bit more $.

They are new kid's on the block and need us to get the show on the road and show them the pitfalls we have fallen into many times before.

I'll keep my ear to the ground. ;)

Cheers Doc, I'm still keeping my options open and looking for something that pays a bit more as things here are tight and It would be nice to bring in a bit more $.

They are new kid's on the block and need us to get the show on the road and show them the pitfalls we have fallen into many times before.

I'll keep my ear to the ground. ;)
Just be careful you don't fall into the trap my uncle did, He was very very high up in a major well known British company, he was responsible for the design of several major products that all of you will have owned at some point. Anyway the company was taken over and the new owner had a son who had spent many years at university and wanted all the top people within the firm to be family members. Well he was a crafty bloke and told my uncle that he knew  he was one of the top blokes in the country in his field and he could think of no one better to teach his son all about the R&D side of the company. My uncle took the young bloke under his wing and taught him,trouble was he forgot the golden rule, "never teach everyone everything" anyway about 18 months later my uncle was called to a meeting and told that his services were no longer required. He asked how come as there was nobody in the company who could hold a candle to him when it came to his job, " oh but we have someone much better than you" replied the MD, " you see you made such an excellent job of teaching my son that he's even better than you are". Now if that isn't a kick in the nuts, for all his education my uncle didn't have the sense to see he was teaching his way out of a top job, Always hold a little bit back,it'sfor your own good.
