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Im afraid TUPE is a load of ****, we've been through it before. The company taking over won't want us, I hate to say it we are too skilled!

Current terms are pretty ****e tbh.

The redundancy is low, one guy worked there years and worked out he redundancy would be about 3k.

Our union rep (the plumber) has been off for the last year due to some serious heart problems and probably won't be coming back, no ones offered to take up the reigns, last time the union were useless as was my employer, in denial not replying to emails and saying he forgot this and that, la la la just making the whole thing drag out as long as possible, he's good at that.

I will shut this door and find another opening, I don't want to work in this field any more as it's declining rapidly, anyway I want to do something more interesting & something I can get my teeth into (ducks don't have teeth do they) .!? 

@SLIPSHOD & SLAPDASH sorry to hear about your eye, am glad it's getting better and you havent  lost your way to poundland!

My Samsung battery exploded, so I haven't got your number so Ill pm you.

@poniI have to give a months notice if I don't want my £300

@Murdoch I can't remember, probably more like £500 it's not much and everyone's terms are different so I can't ask any of my colleagues.

Thanks for your kindness and wisdom!

I can't write anymore as my screen is full of names and I can't see what I'm typing courgette **** blocks .... 6_36( W⚓ no few

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He's a yungun Murdoch so it's a week per year realistically, plus his outstanding holiday pay as the statute law minimum I think, I agree with you, I don't see how anyone on a 40hr contract can only get £300 redundancy.

just looked at .gov and they reckon its £1600! woo hoo, that will cover the car insurance! ;)   

I don't work long hours, and we get a fair bit of leave to make up for the **** pay so not sure how that works into things.

Having a good read, this made me giggle:

Contact your local Jobcentre and ask for their Rapid Response Service:


Holidays are nothing to do with redundancy pay.

It's a week per year of employment, at your base rate, minimum.

If your employer won't pay then the Gov't will take it on for you, if you employer can't pay, then the Gov't will pay, but, the rate is capped.

Probably less than you are on, but, more than £300.

I've been through it twice, and once from the other side.


Being cheeky, and it's nowt to do with me, but, perhaps you could give Ducky a run down of the sort of stuff needed?

@poniI have to give a months notice if I don't want my £300
every one has to give notice to leave if they want paid their last months money, you will soon make up the £300 by working hard, you should get that the first Saturday you work ,

its Asphalt plants and Quarries type work, PM me if your interested and I will send you the contact details   

every one has to give notice to leave if they want paid their last months money, you will soon make up the £300 by working hard, you should get that the first Saturday you work ,

its Asphalt plants and Quarries type work, PM me if your interested and I will send you the contact details   

@Blue Duck, get it sorted...

Duck, sorry about this door closing but look at it as an opportunity to open a better door, I have over the past couple of years coached a young one into self employment and now he is doing rather well and can not understand why he didn't do it sooner. 

So it's never as bleak as we THINK it is, in your mind you will have fears that REALLY don't exist. 

So plump up them there feathers and go boldly into the world!! 

Duck, sorry about this door closing but look at it as an opportunity to open a better door, I have over the past couple of years coached a young one into self employment and now he is doing rather well and can not understand why he didn't do it sooner. 

So it's never as bleak as we THINK it is, in your mind you will have fears that REALLY don't exist. 

So plump up them there feathers and go boldly into the world!! 
You're not an ugly duckling at all're a SWAN  !!!! 

Not much to report, the big meeting is tomorrow where we will find out what is happening and how were going to get courgetteed over.

Other than that morale at work has hit an all-time low and despondency at an all time high.

Quite funny really! 

Applied for a few jobs, am hoping to hear some news this week!


thanks @Tony S I had read that but not sure where we stand as I believe the intention is to try to TUPE us to avoid paying any redundancy.

I will find out tomorrow!

If you were "assigned" to the contract that your current employer has lost you should be eligible for TUPE - on ALL your existing T's and C's, with continuous employment if you later get made redundant..........
