Just got a 17000 kwh/pa bill!

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1. The meter is straight after the fuse, so should only be reading the electricity you actually use.
Do you suspect the meter is incorrectly reading your usage ?

2. From 20 Dec when the meter was installed, to 28th Feb, you have used 4651kWh.
That's 78kWh per day.
Over a year that would be 38,000kWh.
If you don't use any in the summer let's half that to 19,000kWh.
They say 17,000kWh - close ?

3. The CT is positioned to measure your total grid draw through the Consumer unit.
That's any grid used to charge the battery, all the heat pump draw, and any remaining house load.
The CT cable goes to the inverter ?

3. Whenever someone says one measurement is half the other I suspect the CT needs to be reversed.

4. I'd be embarrassed to show images of an installation that messy on this forum........ :-<
So no night “control” for anything specific.

Do the bills you get show day and night rate numbers?

Sounds like you have been backed into a corner, so take readings WEEKLY and make sure that any bills are actual readings and not estimates.

Record these figures on a spreadsheet and do this from now on. Then you’ll get the facts

Also record the meter readings on the meter to the left of the fuseboard

The suppliers take advantage of people who don’t keep on top of their bills , readings etc
2. From 20 Dec when the meter was installed, to 28th Feb, you have used 4651kWh.
That's 78kWh per day.
In the same period I used 22kWh per day. All electric house with heat pump and solar PV but no batteries.

How big is the house? how new? When was the heat pump fitted and what was heating the house before? If it was gas, what was your annual gas usage?
The problem is we have had that many meters in the last 2 years I have no idea what's right or wrong. Similarly with bills. I have 50 bills for the same period. With differing calculation as meters have been faulty so they amend the numbers all the time.
Ct cable goes direct to inverter.
How can the app be 100 per cent wrong. Three meters broken and the other drama. Just makes me wonder if something else is wrong. I just wanted to pay someone to check the whole thing so I know its right. The night rate is for charging the batteries.
I wish I could find the best tradespeople to do a clean and tidy job. But thanks for pleasant note Michael, made my day. And thanks everyone else for trying to help
In the same period I used 22kWh per day. All electric house with heat pump and solar PV but no batteries.

How big is the house? how new? When was the heat pump fitted and what was heating the house before? If it was gas, what was your annual gas usage?
All electric, solar and batteries. 220 sqm. Old but well insulated everywhere, fully d/g. Log burners. Gas before. We changed all radiators at ashp installation. Was about 70 a month in winter for gas and electric before install. Now they want 300.
Eon .....honestly is driving me mad. We've taken videos and photos constantly trying to get them to sort it. So what they did was take the readings over the last 6 weeks since new meter and decided to bill imis for 38 kwh per day all year. In summer we use very little. Nothing I could do tried ombudsman who sided with them

We've been watching it all day and noticed that when we charge the batteries from import the app thinks we charged them with solar so it's off by 11.4 kw per day but still doesn't square to the 21k per annum
The only real way to get an accurate overview would be to use a power analyser to monitor usage over a period and compare it to the meter readings over the same period
"Worth remembering the OP is a consumer and not the installer."
I know that, I wouldn't have signed off until they tidied up the trailing cable and coiled-up too-long cables.

"How can the app be 100 per cent wrong ?"
Try reversing the CT, nothing to loose.

Can we assume the meter may have the wrong charge rates installed, but the consumption in kWh must be correct ?
I'm wondering if the smart meter is not setup correctly or the solar and batteries are introducing a DC component or harmonics on to the supply that are causing the meter to possiblly misread the actual electricity consumption
3 meters?

Where is the 3rd meter

£70 per month for gas and electric is no way enough
No it definitely wouldnt be enough now...that was almost 3 years ago and prices have got much higher since then . Happy to pay 200 quid a month just want to make sure it's accurate