Just in case....................................

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Trailer Boy - Electrician.
Supporting Member
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Them bod's in the know are telling us that Skaterlight thingy wots falling from space is coming down later today......


they don't know where!!!!! :eek:

So I am thinking..

If the forumubulator goes dead later today can we assume that it has fell on Admins house??????

Anyway... :C

Why haven't they asked Steptoe where is gonna come down...?

He knows cuz he's using Deke's kompewtur skills to track it....

So he can get Hercules & the cart down there ready to collect all that lovely scrap metal!!! ;) ; \


not busy today then Specs !!!!

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 09:23 ---------- Previous post was made at 09:20 ----------

Typical media ......

1 in 3000 chance of hitting someone........

all the munchkins are frightened and are staying indoors

1 in a 1000,000,000,000 at least of hitting me as reported by a space expert on breakfast time


Ifor 1 am staying in! Im not going to be hit by that thing! Hay but hang on, what if it hits my house? Surly there is more chance of it hitting a large structure than little me! Rite thats it, im off to the bunker i built in the garden, i have enough food down there to survive foe a whole year. luckly i also have interbet acsess so i can keep intouch

Ifor 1 am staying in! Im not going to be hit by that thing! Hay but hang on, what if it hits my house? Surly there is more chance of it hitting a large structure than little me! Rite thats it, im off to the bunker i built in the garden, i have enough food down there to survive foe a whole year. luckly i also have interbet acsess so i can keep intouch
Not one to miss a gamble then !!!!! ROTFWL

or should that read gambol? On the subject of this little bit of space debris; what I want to know is:

Why does it have WHEELS on it?
dont you know anything ????

the satellite is so old when they launched it they had to push it off edge of the earth !!!!

some people

i so hope this lands in the field next to my house! I'm praying!

Its apparently landed over the Pacific ocean, with fragments hitting Canada and Africa according to headlines.AndyGuinness
That's just Steptoes cunning diversion tactics....

It has actually landed just north of Manchester!!!!!

But he's not letting on exactly where...

till he's got all the good bits!!!!


