So, I'm trying to appear greener and save a few quid. Replaced a load of R63 reflector lamps for LED versions, The ones I got are branded and appear to be well made, but, I've had them 4 -5 weeks and already 4 have gone.
What happens when they go:
There is a short period of flickering, then the lamp will be on very dim.
When you turn off the switch the lamp in subject will remain lit for 5 seconds or so, as though a capacitor is discharging.
eventually the lamp doesn't light at all
Sound familiar?
It's not a particular fitting or anything
4 lamps failed over 3 fitting, 2 in same (3 lamp) fitting in different branches
What happens when they go:
There is a short period of flickering, then the lamp will be on very dim.
When you turn off the switch the lamp in subject will remain lit for 5 seconds or so, as though a capacitor is discharging.
eventually the lamp doesn't light at all
Sound familiar?
It's not a particular fitting or anything
4 lamps failed over 3 fitting, 2 in same (3 lamp) fitting in different branches