Lockout device

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Got the Kewlock free when i bought my MFT very useful decent piece of kit especially for nowt, wouldnt pay 20 quid for one tho!

I'm not a fan of a device which relies on a combination. It only takes a couple of minutes maximum to remove a combination device. Given that you are required to have a padlock with only one key I can't see how a combination lock is a good idea.

I'm not a fan of a device which relies on a combination. It only takes a couple of minutes maximum to remove a combination device. Given that you are required to have a padlock with only one key I can't see how a combination lock is a good idea.
It's not meant to be a security device or stop the circuit from being re-energised under any circumstances. It is meant to prevent inadvertant or easy re-energisation of the circuit. If I came t a lock off with a combination on it I wouldn't think I could have that off in 2 mins so might as well power it up again.

It's not meant to be a security device or stop the circuit from being re-energised under any circumstances. It is meant to prevent inadvertant or easy re-energisation of the circuit. If I came t a lock off with a combination on it I wouldn't think I could have that off in 2 mins so might as well power it up again.
Perhaps you're too trusting. Sometimes idiots will do everything in their power to remove it. Why do you think you are required to post warning notices as well as locking off? It's because human nature means that you can't trust anyone else to leave it isolated.

Perhaps you're too trusting. Sometimes idiots will do everything in their power to remove it. Why do you think you are required to post warning notices as well as locking off? It's because human nature means that you can't trust anyone else to leave it isolated.
Well yes, but it's just as easy to remove a lock off with any sort of padlock on it. Good yank it's off regardless so no real point in anything more than a basic lock. I could remove the lock off from the device quicker than I could remove the lock from the lock off.

I'm not a fan of a device which relies on a combination. It only takes a couple of minutes maximum to remove a combination device. Given that you are required to have a padlock with only one key I can't see how a combination lock is a good idea.
Wrong. Not even gonna justify why if you cant already work it out, heres a hint they arent built like the old combi locks you had on your bike chain.

As for your remark about people being idiots if there gonna take the time to crack the lock code they probably wouldnt think twice about taking a set of bolt croppers to your pad lock.
