long day

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Distinguished Member
Aug 7, 2009
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changed a cu to day the one with all the conduit, right pain of a job,

zs was low not long back, all earth mashed into a few connector strips so i did not do ze until new cu was on the wall with tails and new 16mm earth.

ze 8.89 ohms, checked all connections, same result measured from cut out direct onto the sheath, same result. dno came out got 10 8 ohms and it was the same next door so they pulled the fuse, until they put a temp tncs, and they are digging the road tommorrow, slowed me right down. turns out next door had some work done and the electrician got a high reading but just told the woman to report it,

and to top it off got a dead short E N on upstares ringbad day explode

back tommorow to sort the short out hopefully it will go smothly

Bad luck on the N-E short Tom, but there is a lot to be said in favour of testing and inspecting prior to C.U. swaps. ; \

the guy needs and wants a new cu so it would have gone ahead Anyway pluss it was such a mess you would struggle to test individual circuit without pulling the cu to bits. You are right though you should test for a planned change

Well done mate, its all part of the wonderfull world of contracting.

Sounds if you got a good result from DNO, amazing how many times you come across this problem nowadays, makes you wonder how many deadly high Ze's are out there.

the guy needs and wants a new cu so it would have gone ahead Anyway pluss it was such a mess you would struggle to test individual circuit without pulling the cu to bits. You are right though you should test for a planned change
I understand what you are saying Tom...maybee a minimum of overall L+N to E in such circumstances ...Good on you for sorting out the poor Ze. :Applaud

Well done mate, its all part of the wonderfull world of contracting.Sounds if you got a good result from DNO, amazing how many times you come across this problem nowadays, makes you wonder how many deadly high Ze's are out there.
it would have gone unnoticed, not to clever on a rewirble fuse and no rcd. i would have thought the spark who worked next door would have made a phone call, what did he put on his certs zs 10.8 ohms, even if like for like replacement i would have given them a ring

I understand what you are saying Tom...maybee a minimum of overall L+N to E in such circumstances ...Good on you for sorting out the poor Ze. :Applaud
globle ir not a bad shout.

I usually test afterwards. I've found if you mention the slight chance that there may be extra cost with any faults then the customer doesn't want it doing. I lose out on a job, they will either get someone to fit and not test or just leave the install as it was. A lot less safe than it would be with an new CU.

If I find a fault I tell the customer it must be fixed before reconnecting. If this is totally not an option for them then its upto them what they do. It is left isolatoted and a declaration written up, stating what I have done, why and how the fault has been left.

changed a cu to day the one with all the conduit, right pain of a job,zs was low not long back, all earth mashed into a few connector strips so i did not do ze until new cu was on the wall with tails and new 16mm earth.

ze 8.89 ohms, checked all connections, same result measured from cut out direct onto the sheath, same result. dno came out got 10 8 ohms and it was the same next door so they pulled the fuse, until they put a temp tncs, and they are digging the road tommorrow, slowed me right down. turns out next door had some work done and the electrician got a high reading but just told the woman to report it,

and to top it off got a dead short E N on upstares ringbad day explode
I has a similar problem last year, I had the dno turn up to do a cutout change and sort the high Ze, I was not there when they arrived, they phoned and said the cutout was ok and they would not change it, I told them to sort out the high Ze and if you can sort out next doors as well because they dont have any safe means of isolation.

Needless to say a climbing crew was called, and when I arrived both the house I was working on and the house next door had shiny new cutouts.

I has a similar problem last year, I had the dno turn up to do a cutout change and sort the high Ze, I was not there when they arrived, they phoned and said the cutout was ok and they would not change it, I told them to sort out the high Ze and if you can sort out next doors as well because they dont have any safe means of isolation.Needless to say a climbing crew was called, and when I arrived both the house I was working on and the house next door had shiny new cutouts.
good to get it sorted problems can go un noticed.

went back today, to see if it was sorted, customer said they cant find the fault and are leaving the temp connection and digging in a new connetion to his house

been busy on another job today, am there tommorrow morning, will keep you posted

Surprised the DNO came out at all. Usually they just say to put on TT. Which is probably what i would do now as i can't wait all day or week to see them

they were prity good about it and would not turn the power on untill it had been fixed

Good Un

Its really great when you track it down, probably been there since Install.


it is good, glad i did not have to get the carpet up, yer its prob been there since a good while

while i was spliting the ring, a grommet would be nice

