Looking for 5WW course......

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Trailer Boy - Electrician.
Supporting Member
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
I am an electrician looking to boost my income so thinking of a career change.........

Have heard theres a football managers job going salary in the region of

You have to better than the last half dozen Specs.

You need to do your "Theory" first though , I can help with that, growing up as an Aston Villa-nil fan.

Theory is fairly simple , "You need to score more goals than the other lot"

Practical , you need some proper players who would burst with pride and run through walls if asked to wear their country's shirt, not a load of millionaire prima donnas who have somewhere more interesting to be than playing for England in the World Cup !!!!

You know ....like Welshmen :coat :C :C:C

Well I have my suspicions that the next forum upgrade is going to be a conversion to all welsh language! So that will be another course we will have to do :slap

Is this meant to be a joke? or a thinly disguised dig at 5week wonders? either way not particularly funny.
eh??? headbang

a) Careful look at the forum I posted in.... 'General chat' not 'Jokes'.. may give a clue? (Or maybe not :C )

B) Re-read the post...

It could also be a thinly disguised dig at Overpaid football managers doing ****** all for

Is this meant to be a joke? or a thinly disguised dig at 5week wonders? either way not particularly funny.
Maybe if you have recieved a sense of humour bypass

Is this meant to be a joke? or a thinly disguised dig at 5week wonders? either way not particularly funny.
I think this is a joke, I know Special Location has a sense of humour and indeed no offence was intended, I on the other hand am a certified official k.n.o.b. and as such can take the pee out of part pee

It does not take much reading of our archive forum threads to reasonably identify numerous members who contribute a lot of very good practical advice to the forum. It is also true to say that many of the same members also exhibit the same sort of humor I have found common place in factories, building sites, offices, wholesalers and other such workplaces around the country. In this context and in relation to any members past history I think it quite easy to identify the type of content of mosts threads. But we do all have our own particular styles and type of humor, I do not consider it a dig at anyone anymore than other comments often posted about putting in earth rods, or we should all be using Mac's not PC's! I think it safe to say the majority of members enjoy the light hearted banted of the forum as a tonic to some of the technical or regulations questions that are the majority posts.

Doc H.

Your right Doc, every one should be using Macs, there would be a lot less stress in the work place and homelife if we all dumped the 666 software...... :Y :Y:Y:Y
Now why doesn't that reply surprise me?

Doc H.

It cant be too hard to be a football manager...after all I got Bury to the Premiership in football manager ;)


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