that volex has same markings as crabtree
I thought it was a conspiracy theory by the certifying bodies so us 'DIY Bob's' f*** up the changeover of our naff white plastic switch for nice chrome ones and need to call you in so we can see to eat and so the wife/gf will speak to us once again.and do you know why manufactures don't use a common terminal designation scheme?
Spot on Patch!Same parent company unless I am mistaken.
SiemensSpot on Patch!Crabtree / Volex / Wylex / Appleby / Marbo / Britmac / Saftey Sheild.
all part of Siemens NOW!!!! :|
then click on the "About link"!
Ditto & Concur Mr Andy
Childish sniggers....Siemens*snigger*
Can't. Busy.Childish sniggers....Get to the back of the class & wait for the headmaster! X( ]
Hello Obnox.....
Not meaning to sound Hard or Horrible as im not meaning it that way but i think that there IS a point in getting a pro in,!!!Sorry, ****ty drawing, ive ran 1 cable from the switch to the transformer, and 1 cable(neutral) from the bedroom light to the transformer.I need to learn this stuff mate, no point in gettin a pro in.