If i have an area 4m long and want to mount 2 lights, i would start with them 1m from the the end with a 2m gap between the lights. My theory is so the angle of each light covers the same area. Then when i find out out where the joists are, and see how it looks to the eye is how i make my final decision.
To find the joist i go to the edge of the room and make small holes with a drill to locate (3mm ish), find 2, check distance, mark off the rest and confirm position with them by using small drill again.
To get cables past joist from below i cut 100mm hole over the edge of the joist at the side or middle of the room. I then drill through joist or if i have to notch and metal plate over the top. To repair the hole i screw the 100mm hole back into the joist. Scrim and easy fill if you have to repair.
Kitchen job i am currently doing, i took in a test fitting on a plug in to make sure i got perfect spread (no darker areas), as they wanted good coverage in working areas, and i also used different sealed LED to what i normally use, which had a different spread to what i normally use. The average job i just whack em in and people are happy.