Me again. Lol

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What gets to me are the people that say how bad things are in the UK, Brexiteer or Remainer doesn't matter, many say it's cr@p yet all of the migrants cross EU countries and risk a dangerous voyage to get to the UK, why is that if everywhere else is so much better?
It's much better than a lot of countries, but, getting worse year on year, and not as good as several other major countries. I'm in Italy, first night we stopped on the outskirts of Rome near the airport, couldn't believe how many small restaurants were closed on a Friday night. The owner of the small pizza place we went to was telling me it's all down to the major hike in energy costs. The locals aren't going out, and overheads were making it not worthwhile opening.
Not been to Italy for many a year but lovely welcoming people.
It's much better than a lot of countries, but, getting worse year on year, and not as good as several other major countries. I'm in Italy, first night we stopped on the outskirts of Rome near the airport, couldn't believe how many small restaurants were closed on a Friday night. The owner of the small pizza place we went to was telling me it's all down to the major hike in energy costs. The locals aren't going out, and overheads were making it not worthwhile opening.

a lot of UK commentators make out that it’s only the UK being affected - how very wrong they are😊
It's much better than a lot of countries, but, getting worse year on year, and not as good as several other major countries. I'm in Italy, first night we stopped on the outskirts of Rome near the airport, couldn't believe how many small restaurants were closed on a Friday night. The owner of the small pizza place we went to was telling me it's all down to the major hike in energy costs. The locals aren't going out, and overheads were making it not worthwhile opening.
That's so sad. It's hard enough running small businesses as it is without all the knock-on effects this energy crisis is having.
Hi John,

Thanks for replying to my question. I did think it was due to open voltage, but I still thought that would give a low reading on an overcast day. Will it just give the maximum reading at all times, nothing to do with generation?
Solar cells output voltage does not vary much with light , it is the current they produce that varies with insolation. They are current sources not voltage sources like batteries.
Solar cells output voltage does not vary much with light , it is the current they produce that varies with insolation. They are current sources not voltage sources like batteries.
Hey Piglet, thanks for that little nugget, that's yet another thing I didn't know, but a really useful thing to know.

a lot of UK commentators make out that it’s only the UK being affected - how very wrong they are😊
It's world wide, but Brexit has added 5% to our inflation. And it's not just fuel, this year's droughts will have affected crops across Europe, so food will rise in price. I'm planning on growing a few things next year, simple stuff like tomatoes, which taste better than the underipe supermarket offerings.
It's world wide, but Brexit has added 5% to our inflation. And it's not just fuel, this year's droughts will have affected crops across Europe, so food will rise in price. I'm planning on growing a few things next year, simple stuff like tomatoes, which taste better than the under ripe supermarket offerings.


We've recently come back from St Lucia - an economy 50% dependent on agriculture and 50% in tourism - they are suffering really badly due to the lack of visitors, the costs of imported materials etc - they are in a seriously bad way from what we could see and hear.
My wifes cousin runs a coffee shop. She thankfully fixed her electricity cost for 4 years starting 2020 so is insulated from the price hikes for another 18 months or so.
Nobody said you were a moron, but you clearly have no idea what you are doing where electricity is concerned. Only an idiot would have connected an ammeter across a PD of any sort. You had no idea what was going to happen..

So what I thought would happen, happened, it read the voltage.

So what was going to happen?
So what I thought would happen, happened, it read the voltage.

So what was going to happen?
The problem is when you did the current measurement, if for example you'd done the same test to a battery supply, if the leads were not protected by a fuse you would easily have vapourised the test leads, burning your hands and arms etc. Luckily the solar panels have a relatively high internal resistance and the current was limited to 18.5 amps.
Youre not an idiot, you just need to understand potential danger that was present, thankfully lady luck was on your side.
Hi John,

Thanks for explaining it instead of just having a pop.

I'd read and watched lots of people test open circuit solar panels that way to see if all the connections had been made, so I maybe stupidly thought it would be fine.

I think as you say, I got lucky this time if it's not the right way to test them, and I'm definitely heeding everyone's warnings, and reading the tone.

But again, thank you for taking the time to explain properly and politely, it is, as always, very much appreciated.

Thank you.
Hi John,

Thanks for explaining it instead of just having a pop.

I'd read and watched lots of people test open circuit solar panels that way to see if all the connections had been made, so I maybe stupidly thought it would be fine.

I think as you say, I got lucky this time if it's not the right way to test them, and I'm definitely heeding everyone's warnings, and reading the tone.

But again, thank you for taking the time to explain properly and politely, it is, as always, very much appreciated.

Thank you.
None of us came out of the womb knowing all there is to know about anything, knowledge needs to be passed on. As I often say, every day is a school day!
Well done on what you’re achieving, it’s a steep learning curve at times.
John, clearly I don't understand your point, so would you like to climb down off your high horse and educate me instead of being condescending.
Where would i start??? I would recommend that you get yourself some books on basic electrical theory.. NEVER EVER try to measure current by putting a meter across a supply of any sort.. If you did that with the mains you would have had a current of up to around 1000A flowing through your probes and meter which would have basically exploded/vaporised in your face. I read once [not sure how true it is though] that many more people die of the burns they receive as a result of things going wrong, than they do of the shock itself.. You came very close...

Do youself a favour and get a proper meter with fused probes and some books..

A question... You are presented with two terminals. You are told that they are a power supply. You are asked to find out you are asked to find out how many volts are available and how much current can you draw before this voltage drops by say 10%. How do you proceed with out any specialised equipment other than a simple multi meter..

You go figure this out, and you will have taught yourself a hell of a lot..

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn...
