Mira Shower Problem... (Model to be confirmed Tomorrow)

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Honorary Life Member
Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2008
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Hello All,

My Brother has just phoned to say that he had opened the iso valve on the water supply to his brand new (he has had it new in a box for several years though) Mira shower.

It is the tall, slim type. (Posh).

With the Shower leccy iso OFF - and shower switch off, he said that when he opened the water iso - Water just poured out the shower head of the shower.

Have you guys any idea as to what this may be please?

(He and I have an idea - but wanted to check wit you guys too).

solenoid? or something else?

Thanks Guys.

Oh, He says that the shower has an Orangey Red "Service" light in the bottom left hand corner of his shower, that is illuminated.


The service light isn`t on if the leccy is isolated.....

Some of the Mira showers don`t have a solenoid; they use a physical valve to control flow rate. Turn heat/temp control to max, and the water may stop.

Model`ll help, mind.....

Mira Shower Problem... (Model to be confirmed Tomorrow)

Naturally, he meant when the pullcord was used, about the service light. :)


Has he fitted the nob so that when it reads off it is?

We had one fitted wrong for years so off was half way on - if you get me?

Welsh Wizzard is this a new shower that he has fitted if so it probably needs commisioning. Or have I read this thread wrong.


No Batty, you haven't read it wrong, Mate...

It was a new shower (Brand New In Box) which he has stored in our Mum's house for several years.

He bought his own place and gutted it - doing it all back up again - on his own.

He did say that he didn't realise that the water iso valve was off when he turned the shower on and wondering if that anything to with it?

Commissioning, Batty?

I would think the commisioning has been done wrong. Not sure what the part is called but if water is coming out I would think this the is the part that has failed. Trouble with these showers any part seems to cost

I'm fitted loads of these (advance). Water comes ****ing out is if you forget to connect the front panel to the main pcb. Its an electrical connection your looking for btw

Good point from Apache, with some showers , if you take the front cover off, inadvertantly turn the control **** , it re-fits in the wrong position.Deke
What happened to the word k*** as in circular protruding device for controling the flow/volume of a device, I didn't do that. ?


What happened to the word k*** as in circular protruding device for controling the flow/volume of a device, I didn't do that. ? Deke
it's them spooky magic fingers... over your shoulder.....

just before you press "Submit Reply"... :|

they zip over your keyboard puttin * here and * there ******* :eek:

more tea vicar?Blushing:D] :)

miss-spell it nob and it's fine :D

(stopcock works now :) )
ohhh you do keep pushin the envelope Apache!

but then...

now we know you have sussed out how to sharpen your hoof knife...

I don't think anyone will argue with you....B-)

Even the Dons boys may think twice? :| ?:| :eek:

I'm fitted loads of these (advance). Water comes ****ing out is if you forget to connect the front panel to the main pcb. Its an electrical connection your looking for btw
I popped up earlier, and when he disconnected (Heck of a job as the plumber snapped the cover holding screw) front cover - the front panel was connected to the PCB via a rectangular connector.

By the way chaps - I will have another look at the "Banned Words" and allow some of them back on, now that we have extra measures in place to stop the spammers. ;)

I have E-mailed Mira.

For referrence The following are pics of the shower and its interior. :D




As was said earlier mate - commisioning could be the issue.

n.b. this was the shower at jones / neath, just before xmas - remember?

Would suggest connector issue. If you / he wants me to look at it, let me know. :)
