ok ok ok
I have seen that I have raised quite a few concerns on here
I`ll finally put a few things straight.
The sparky works for a registered company, and is registered himself. The qual I was on about is for him to certify work and check it off, but he IS a fully qualified sparky ( just had a bad day on my house

I know that when I played with it, I was using the incorrect colours, I was just experimenting to see if it `could` work, hence the questions here. The whole system is on a 10way MCB, ( 1 80RCD+6mcbs & 1 63RCD ) with a 100 (I think) amp DP main switch.
Yes, I was looking for a `cheap job`, as we are on a tight budget to renovate the house, along with paying its mortgage and also 2 rented accomodations & a wedding+honney moon to pay for this year too. ( most expensive year in my life! )
We did call 2 companies to give us a quote. one never turned up, the other never got the quote to me. The later of these is the one that `my` sparky works for.
It was chosen like this this not to do it the ` cowboy way` but the sparky did good work on my dads house in good time. As I said, I dont wanna put him down, but I just think he had ( unfortuantly for me ) a bad job at mine.
I know - YES - I KNOW lol, that I should not use the earth! it was bugging me ALL day yesterday during work, so I went right round and disconnected it, leaving it with a single feed ( not two circuits ) on both switches, with the downstairs 2 operating the up&down lights, and the upstairs 2 operating the uplight & the bathroom ( bathroom on the seperate up lights circuit )
I did it quickly, so I know that the wires are maybe not the correct colours now, as it was getting dark with no lights on - I will revist this on Friday afternoon. I made notes before I changed ANYTHING that he did, so I can put it back exaclty as he put it. We will be getting it all checked, and a certificate for sure, but `if` it fails the check ( for whatever reason), I will know that I have put it back EXACTLY as the sprky left it, so he will have to sort it at his cost, but thats something we`ll sort `IF` it fails.
I just wanted my own peice of mind that wether the set up `could` or `could not` be done with the existing cables, I know I asked for that, and I wanted to be sure if the sparky had a bad 1st day putting cables in, or a bad 2nd day when he fixed the switches on. Either way, I`m annoyed that its worng ( not faulty ), but the problem is not that, as it `could be put right`, but as I said, we are planning to move in in about 2 weeks, and the house is now FULLY decorated, bar the kitchen & hall floor and painting the hallway. To late to make any changes now - We have been working on the house since November 1st, and its been a long journey, lots of money and longer than expected to get it finished, now that the end is finally in sight, I dont want to rip out cables to put new ones in now - tho if I could, I would cos that it not working bugs me! lol
The options I have, I know:
new cables, - no chance
remote - possible, depend it we can find one that looks & suit our needs. The one from `GET` not quite the look or function. Picky maybe, I know, but it gotta look right ( ask the missus

Scrap it ? will almost. I know that I can wire it to have 1+1(bathroom) up, 2 down as I described above - thats how the sparky left it. Not exacly how i want, but its 3/4 there lol.
As for leaving it and disregard regualtions : not at all, I do play, and experiment to learn, but I will ALWAYS check if I`m not sure ( again, hence questions). I KNOW that I should not use the earth, I was just asking `Could I use it if I protected it`, OK OK lol, I got a few resounding `NO`s, is exaclty what I expected, but I was curious to see if there was a work around - apparently not.
The same night i did that work on the house, it bugged me - thats when I found this forum. Whether I posted here or not, I would of put it back anyway.
Thanks all
no more problems from me.