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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
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2391-10 Unit 301 out-come 2

(1) 2.1 / List three human senses that may be used during a periodic inspection :

(2) 2.1 / State which human sense would be most appropriate to identify the following :

i) Loose terminal / connection :

ii) Correct identification of conductor insulation : iii) An overloaded motor winding :

(3) 2.2 / For an initial verification list the individual items to be inspected for an installed domestic consumer unit :

(4) 2.2 / From BS-7671:2008 Schedule of inspections , state the first three checks to be made on an installed cable :

(5) 2.3 / For a periodic inspection list the individual items to be inspected for an installed three-phase distribution board in a motor vehicle workshop :

(6) 2.3 / List the four considerations to be taken into account when deciding the frequency of periodic inspection and testing :

(7) 2.3 / Give two examples of the circumstances that would require a periodic test report :

(8) 2.4 / A periodic inspection report is to be carried out on an existing electrical installation prior to new tenants moving in : State ,

i) What must be agreed with the client before the periodic inspection and test is carried out :

ii) Which document should be agreement in ↔ (i) ↔ be recorded :

iii) One typical example on what might be agreed :

(9) 2.5 / The IEE Guidance Note 3 for competence requires the inspector to have sound knowledge and experience relevant to the nature of the installation being tested : ↔ ( List two other competence requirements ) ↔←←← ******

(10) 2.5 / In order to ensure the safety of persons during the inspection and testing procedure on an installation give three practical measures that would be carried out :

(11) 2.5 / Which statutory document :

i) Places a duty on persons carrying out inspection and testing of electrical installations :

ii) Which two groups of people does the statutory document state that the inspector has a duty to ensure their safety :

(12) 2.5 / State the tile and status given to an inspector in the Electricity at Work regulations 1989 :

Remember Chaps use the right Wording :

2391-10 inspection & testing of Electrical Installations : Unit 301 , Outcome 2 , answers ,

(1) Sight , touch and smell ,

(2) Touch , sight and smell ,


i) Connection of conductors :

ii) Identification of cables :

iii) Cable selection and size :

iv) Correct connections :

v) Selection and erection to minimise fire :

vi) Basic protection ( IP2X / XXB , IP4X / XXB ) :

vii) Additional protection / RCD type and rating :

ix) Choice and setting of protective devices :

x) Labelling :

xi) Selection of consumer unit appropriate to external influences

2391-10 inspection & testing of Electrical Installations : Unit 301 , Outcome 3 ,

(30) 3.26 / i) A 30mA RCD is used to provide additional protection against contact with live parts , State the test current required and maximum operating time :

ii) Including any pre-checks list the test sequence of an RCD test for a radial socket outlet protected by a 10mA RCD to BS-EN 61008 :

iii) STATE a typical application for the following RCD ratings :

a) 30mA B) 100mA c) 300mA d) 500mA :

(31) 3.28 / Describe briefly how to determine , by testing , at the consumer unit of a domestic supply :

i) The prospective short circuit current :

ii) The prospective earth fault current :

(32) 3.29 / Explain briefly how the value of prospective fault current is used when choosing protective devices at that point within an installation :

(33) 3.30 / Explain briefly :

i) How to carry out a phase sequence check on a three phase motor supply :

ii) The potential danger of the phase sequence being incorrect :

(34) 3.30 / A 32A final circuit is supplied from a 230voly a.c supply , if the value of ( R1 + Rn ) is 0.4Ω ↔ always look ( Rn )

i) Calculate the voltage drop in the final circuit :

ii) State the maximum permissible voltage drop within an installation when the installation is supplied from a ↔ Public Supply ↔ :

2391-10 inspection & testing of Electrical Installations : Unit 301 , Outcome 3 , Answers PS , to come

(1) 3.1

i) Condition of leads :

ii) Battery level:

iii) Instrument indicates low MΩ with leads connected and high MΩ with leads disconnected :

(2) 3.1

i) GS-38

ii) Ideally maximum 2mm tip exposure Finger guards , Fused test leads or current limiting :

(3) 3.2 / Continuity tester ohms Ω

Insulation r
