Moving Meter position in 2 Flats problem.

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Junior Member
Dec 29, 2009
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As things stand a 16mm company service cable enters the communal porch of two flats and splits to 2 meter positions in this porch.Possibly a late 80's installation.

From here the company supply splits to two cutouts and to two meters.

From each meter the tails go to a Wilex box with a 100A cartridge fuse and from here go to the flats one and two floors up on 16mm2 twin and earth cable chased directly into the wall with no conduit!

Within the flats the Consumer units (supplied by the 16mm2 twin and earth cable)only supply a lighting circuit and a ring main as everything else is gas though it would be reasonable to expect an electric cooker may be used in the future.

I asked the service provider Western Power for a quote to split the service cable externally to bypass the aged means of distribution and put the services within the flats but their only route would be to reinstall a 3 phase system from the road at a cost of

I don`t see an issue with the WPD supply. It should have no problems with the loading you provide.

I`m currently doing flats with a similar situation, except there are 4 flats, all being fed from one concentric incomer, daisy-chained to 4 heads. Some flats have electric showers, many have electric cooking. We`ve never had a supply problem up to now.

I`d drop the fusing at the wylex to 60A - no need for 100A in that scenario.

As for the tails into the flats - what I`m doing at the moment is using 25mm tails, surface in trunking - this avoids the necessity for RCD protection.

If you actually want metering within the flat, buy reconditioned credit meters, and fit those internally. Landlord then has the responsibility of reading those meters, and collecting the money owed. Landlord then pays provider, when they read their own meter.



I don't quite see your problem Rickmusic , other than the 100A fuses aare oversize for the 16mm , should they not be 80A ? The load is small in each flat ( lighting & Ring)

You are doing the typical sparky thing of predicting what may or may not occur in these flats when you say an electric cooker could be expected !!!

Just deal with what is there , if the cookers are gas,fine, end of story.

In this area Central Networks are usually OK with a house turned into two flats and the original supply is being used.

